God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1273 The enemy of the enemy is the friend

Chapter 1273 The enemy of the enemy is the friend

Leng Yue's eyes swept over the king's body, but she didn't answer right away.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to deal with Xia Ye? Then we have a common enemy! As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. Do you think it makes sense?" The king said with a smile on his tongue.

"What can you help us with?" Leng Yue asked with her arms folded, staring at the king in front of her.

"The organs in the State Teacher's Tomb are more difficult to deal with than you imagined. So far, what you have encountered is just superficial. If you cooperate with me, I will find a way to help you leave the State Teacher's Tomb smoothly, but you also have to Find a way to help me regain my freedom before you leave the tomb of the national teacher." The king pointed out something, and stretched out his hand to pull the dog chain around his neck vigorously.

"Yes, yes, but there is only one thing we have to agree in advance. That is, when we cooperate, no matter what, Xia Ye's life cannot be harmed." Leng Ye raised his eyebrows and said.

When the king heard the words, there was a strong interest in his eyebrows and eyes, "Why is this? What is the relationship between you and that summer night?"

Leng Yue snorted coldly, and said with a cold attitude, "This is not your business."

"Okay, then it's settled." The king touched his nose with his hand, and after speaking, he reached out and shook hands with Leng Yue, which was considered to be a formal cooperation with Leng Yue.

The king returned to Xia Zishang's side first. This time, the king was very well-behaved, with a face that nothing happened, quietly guarding Xia Zishang's side, obeying Xia Zishang's orders.

It seemed strange that the king seemed to be so well-behaved suddenly, but Xia Zishang didn't delve into the matter. Instead, after eating the barbecue and taking a short rest, he went to the next tomb again.

This time, Leng Yue and Yin Xue continued to follow Xia Zishang, and the group came to the gate of the tomb.

The dark blue door in front of her looks very ordinary, and it doesn't have the eerie feeling that Xia Zishang had when she encountered the black water yin shark formation just now, which made her vigilant before entering the door.

In contrast, the gate in front of me looks very ordinary at first glance. The pattern of beasts coming out of the mountain is carved on the gate, which seems to be calm.

Everyone felt that there was no danger behind the gate, and they couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief for a while, Yinxue clapped her hands happily, "Great, this level doesn't seem to be too dangerous .”

After Xia Zishang heard Yinxue's optimistic words, the corners of Xia Zishang's lips quickly curled into a mocking arc.

Not too dangerous?Yinxue was probably joking.

In a place like the National Teacher's Tomb, everyone's head is tied to the waistband of their trousers, and if they fail to do so, they will fall into the abyss of eternal doom, and the more peaceful the place, the more likely it is to hide danger.

When they come to break into the tomb, they are not playing house. These levels can only become more difficult one by one, and they are not getting easier at all.

Therefore, they need to be more cautious and not be blinded by the temporary comfort.

"I'll open the door." Xuanyuan Yelan took the initiative to take a step forward, reaching out and pushing open the heavy tomb door.

The king and Amo stood next to Qingmo to protect him, while Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan watched the door of the tomb vigilantly to prevent any danger from appearing unexpectedly, and the murderer was caught off guard.

The door of the tomb was slowly opened, and an indescribable smell poured out from the open door.

(End of this chapter)

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