God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1274 Something is wrong here

Chapter 1274 Something is wrong here

It was a very strange and special smell, very similar to leather, as if there were a lot of animal skins that had been accumulated for many years. It was pungent and strong, and it made people feel nauseous subconsciously.

When everyone pushed open the door of the tomb, the bright lamps in the tomb suddenly lit up. From a distance, there were eleven lamps in total. The lights projected down, just in time to illuminate the stone platform in the center of the tomb.

Compared with the stone platform, the first thing that catches everyone's eyes is the large piece of animal skin on the wall of the tomb.

The walls are covered with thick animal skins, and the original appearance of the walls can no longer be seen clearly. These animal skins come from various animals, including common chickens, ducks and pigs, and even rarer lions and tigers. The fur is very clean, and there is no excess blood. It can be seen that these furs were forcibly ripped off from these animals when they were still alive. Because they have undergone a very meticulous embalming treatment, even after so many years, the fur is still intact. Not rotted, it still looks fresh, as if it still retains its soft touch.

However, because these leather materials were all forcibly taken off when the animals were alive, there was extremely strong resentment hidden in these leather materials, which made everyone feel a burst of cold air rushing towards their faces the moment they stepped into the tomb, which made them People feel uncomfortable all over.

After looking at the wall, everyone finally cast their sights on the stone platform against the bright lights.

The stone platform made of black stone exudes a simple and simple atmosphere. It is carved with complicated patterns. It looks like a huge formation from a distance. There are stone statues of various animals around the stone platform. These stone animals Without exception, they all bowed their knees to a huge irregular-shaped black crystal in the center of the stone platform, showing the appearance of kneeling.

"Stop first." Alerting everyone to stop, Xia Zishang said cautiously, "There is something wrong here."

"What's wrong? I think it's pretty good here. You didn't intend to bluff people, did you?" The king complained after looking at Xia Zishang unconvinced.

Everyone didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but they stopped tacitly on their feet.

"Junior brother says something is wrong, it is wrong. If you are not afraid, don't stop." Amo saw that the king also stopped obediently, and immediately said something to the king without hesitation.

"Boss, what's wrong?" Qing Mo raised his head and asked.

"Is it because of that black crystal?" Xuanyuan Yelan cast his eyes on the black crystal from a distance. Although he didn't understand the art of yin and yang, he could clearly feel that there was a heavy radiance from that black crystal. resentment.

"Yes. That piece of black crystal releases evil spirit." Xia Zishang said in a condensed tone.

The evil spirit is only possessed by evil things, and the resentment of the thing in the black crystal is extremely heavy, far exceeding the evil spirit that is usually encountered. From this, it can be seen that there must be something hidden in the crystal. Very weird stuff!
Everyone knows that Xia Zishang is powerful, and also knows that the evil spirit is not easy to provoke!
Just when the crowd fell into silence, there was a sudden sizzling sound from behind them.

Zila, Zila——

The hairs on the back trembled instantly, and everyone's eyes turned to the direction behind the strange noise at the same time.

This squeaking sound is sharp and piercing, hiding in the dark corner, people can't see who is making such a sound in the dark, just feel as if someone is carrying them behind their backs, tearing the leather there vigorously generally.

(End of this chapter)

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