God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1281 Didn't I agree to use my blood?

Chapter 1281 Didn't I agree to use my blood?
Suddenly, a deep greed appeared in the evil corpse's eyes.

"Hungry, hungry! I want to eat, I want to eat!" After the voice of the evil corpse fell, it shot out quickly, opened its mouth wide, and bit the old man's shoulder with one bite!
The wound was deep enough to show bone, and the evil corpse began to suck greedily.

Blood mixed with resentful spirits was sucked into the mouth of the evil corpse together.

The old man's body trembled, and his eyes widened in horror. His pale and old face seemed to have shrunk. As the evil corpse sucked, the skin and flesh shrank rapidly.

The evil corpse sucked all the blood in the old man's body, and then sucked in the wraiths from the war beast formation together.

All the energy is stored in the head, and the zombie's head is more than twice as big as before, and the brain emits a blinding glare.

The corpse's body was like a beating heart, staying stiff in place, and every time the body twitched, it would absorb some of the energy stored in the brain.

Seeing this scene, while Xia Zishang breathed a sigh of relief, his expression became more serious.

The moment she discovered the evil corpse, she revealed that the tomb was a series of tricks. Even if she had tried her best to kill the lonely old man and break the war animal formation, the evil corpse that had been supported by the war animal formation would still be gone. At the last moment, after absorbing the remaining power in the formation, they will break open the black crystal and block them in front of them.

At that time, she, who is exhausted, will never be the opponent of the evil corpse!
That's why she chose to break the crystal, release the evil corpse, fight poison with poison, force the evil corpse to help her break the formation, and get rid of the evil corpse when its ability to absorb energy is weak!
Xia Zishang took out the Glazed Silver Sword, and was about to cut through her palm to draw blood, but at this moment Xuanyuan Yelan rushed to her side, raised her hand, clasped her wrist, and stopped her movement.

"Didn't you agree to use my blood?" After Xuanyuan Yelan let go of her hand, without moving her eyelids, she took the Glazed Silver Sword, cut the palm of his hand, and painted the blade all over. blood.

"Enough is enough!" Xia Zishang was so frightened that she quickly stopped Xuanyuan Yelan.

Looking at the wound on Xuanyuan Yelan's palm, Xia Zishang's heart ached to death.

This man loves her blood every time, but he doesn't know that he loves himself.

"Go." Xuanyuan Yelan handed the blood-smeared long sword to Xia Zishang.

After Xia Zishang gave him a reproachful look, he took the long sword and clenched it tightly, his figure shot out like a shooting star, and went straight to the evil corpse.

The evil corpse was concentrating on absorbing energy, its head was still swollen, but suddenly felt a burst of murderous aura coming from behind.

When the evil corpse was absorbing energy, it was powerless to resist. It turned its head and saw the long sword in Xia Zishang's hand enlarged in its eyes, and finally pierced its head with a sword.

"Yeah!" The corpse's body exploded with a scream, turning into a cloud of blood and filling the air.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Quickly turned around and ran to Xuanyuan Yelan's side, Xia Zishang glanced at the wound on his hand, frowned, took out the healing medicine and treated the wound for him.

Xia Zishang concentrated on helping Xuanyuan Yelan bandage the wound patiently, her movements were very careful, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Xuanyuan Yelan let Xia Zishang move without moving. He stared at her quietly with downcast eyes, unwilling to blink.

(End of this chapter)

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