God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1282 I think it's a bit strange to be a coward

Chapter 1282 I think it's a bit strange to be a coward

The appearance of the two of them looked very warm, adding some warmth to the originally gloomy tomb.

"Boss!" Qing Mo hugged Amo and ran over quickly, looking worriedly at Xuanyuan Yelan's wound, "Why did you suffer such a serious injury?"

"I'm fine. Fortunately, A-Xia took action in time, and the matter has been resolved." After Xuanyuan Yelan said this lightly, she glanced up and down Qing Mo's body, and finally felt relieved after confirming that he was fine.

"Junior brother, is that thing just now an evil corpse?" Amo clicked his tongue, "That thing is a good thing for alchemy. Master wanted to find an evil corpse before. It's a pity this time."

"If the master wants to use evil things to make alchemy, I have a suitable evil thing here, which is useless. I will give it to the old man when I see the master next time." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, his eyes rolled, and he glanced lightly at the people present other people.

The lonely old man has become a mummy, Chu Chao and Qinglu are exhausted enough, and they are resting on the ground, while Leng Yue and Yinxue, the two possessed people, although the animal skins have fallen off, their souls are affected. Chuang, presumably won't wake up for a while.

The king was tortured enough by the cold moon possessed just now, and now he passed out from exhaustion.

"It's getting late now, and we don't have the energy to break into another tomb. Why don't we just rest here for the night." Xia Zishang suggested.

Of course there was no objection. After Xuanyuan Yelan and the others nodded, they found a clean corner in the tomb and sat down to rest.

"Father, mother, I have something to tell you." Because of the distance from other people, Qing Mo is not worried that their words will be heard by others, "I think it's a bit strange to be a coward."

"Why do you say that?" Xuanyuan Yelan asked.

"Just now, we were entangled by the mouse skin. The counselor seemed to come to help, but it threw the mouse skin at me. I always feel that it was not a coincidence." Qing Mo recalled the scene just now, thinking After thinking about it, he continued, "I'm not sure if the suspicion is wrong, but it is a ghost in the tomb. I think we can't be careless."

"We really can't be careless, you are right to suspect." Xia Zishang touched Mo's little head appreciatively, "We have written down this matter, and you have to be careful next time, understand?"

"En." Qing Mo nodded obediently.

Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan looked at each other.

If the king really has something that shouldn't be in his mind, then they will not show mercy.

Seeing that the old man Lone Wood died and Leng Yue had passed out, Chu Chao panicked and took Leng Yue to a small corner where there was no one, and gave her the pill.

After taking the elixir, Leng Yue frowned in pain, then woke up faintly.

There was an uncontrollable tormenting pain in my mind, Leng Yue gritted her teeth in pain, covered her head and sat up straight, "Damn it, I didn't expect that I would be put together by those beasts!"

"Miss, you have never been a careless person, what happened today?" Chu Chao asked in confusion.

Hearing the words, Leng Yue glanced at Qing Mo from a distance, who was nestled in Xia Zishang's arms, and had already fallen asleep obediently, "I think the little spirit pet next to Xia Zishang is a bit special, and I was only busy observing him, so I didn't care about it." Distracted."

"Let's not talk about that kid. Now that Lone Tree is dead, the task can only be completed by you and me. Next, we must be more careful, and we must not be careless anyway." Leng Yue said with a condensed expression.

Chu Chao looked at the shriveled corpse of the old man Lone Wood from a distance, and nodded with lingering fear.

 The tenth watch is over, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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