God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1286 He strangled himself to death

Chapter 1286 He strangled himself to death

It was already approaching sunrise, and the three brothers of the Qin family were still responsible for keeping watch for another hour of the night.

Xuanyuan Yelan's aura of non-anger all over her body made her walk to Boss Qin's side, causing him to shake his body in a deep sleep, and opened his eyes in a daze.

"Get up and watch the night." Xuanyuan Yelan lowered his brows and eyes, and his words revealed an irresistible strength.

Boss Qin only felt that Xuanyuan Yelan's aura was so frightening that it was almost terrifying. He didn't dare to delay, but he didn't want to wake up.

As the eldest in the family, eldest brother Qin quickly thought of his two younger brothers.

"Second brother, you go and help me guard for half an hour first, and then call me later." Boss Qin said, kicking second child Qin beside him.

However, Boss Qin kicked over, but was surprised to find that Second Qin's body temperature was frighteningly low, and his body was cold and stiff, which made him shiver.

"Old, second child?" Boss Qin suddenly lost all sleepiness, and sat up straight with a carp.

Xuanyuan Yelan noticed something strange, stepped forward quickly, and lifted the thin quilt tightly wrapped around the second child's body, revealing his bruised and ferocious face.

Qin's second son was already out of breath, only his eyes were wide open, his death was extremely strange, his body was curled up like a shrimp, his hands were tightly holding his throat, and there was a bruise on his neck. The pinch mark was actually the one who strangled himself to death!

"Ah!!" With a wailing cry, Boss Qin yelled like a pheasant, scaring all the light sleepers around him to wake up.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Everyone asked, drawing out their swords vigilantly.

Xia Zishang's eyelashes trembled slightly, and her phoenix eyes looked in the direction of the commotion.

"I, my second brother, he strangled himself to death!" Boss Qin was so frightened that he trembled all over, his voice tinged with pain and despair, "How could this be? Last night was obviously fine..."

When Boss Qin panicked, Xuanyuan Yelan had already checked the situation of Second Qin carefully.

He really strangled himself to death, and the dead Qin Laoer used great strength, as if he was not strangling himself, but treating his father and enemy. The corpse was stiff, but his palms were still firmly pressed Touching his own neck, it can be seen how ruthless the attack is.

"A Xia, come here and see if there's anything unusual about this corpse." Xuanyuan Yelan turned his head and called in the direction of Xia Zishang.

Not only Xia Zishang, but everyone else gathered around.

One person died inexplicably, and everyone present couldn't help being nervous, so they naturally had to come over to find out.

"It is true that I strangled myself to death. Other than that, there is no abnormality." No suspicious traces were found on Qin Laoer's body. There was no Yin Qi or resentment on his body. It looked like an ordinary corpse.

"Counsel, come here." Xia Zishang's voice fell, and the king came over reluctantly.

Everyone looked at the handsome appearance of the king, and finally their eyes fell on the dog chain around the king's neck at the same time.

Looking at the king's appearance of being persecuted by Xia Zishang, everyone couldn't help but lower their heads, sighing in their hearts.

It never occurred to me that Mr. Xia Ye, who looks handsome, also has such a special hobby that no one knows. It's fine to keep a little boy pet, and he is still on a dog chain. This, this is too wild to play!
(End of this chapter)

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