God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1287 Hurry up and blow me some air, my king is out of air from being photographed!

Chapter 1287 Hurry up and blow me some air, my king is out of air from being photographed!

The king leaned over to take a look at the dead body of Qin Lao Er, and said frankly, "I don't know what's going on..."

Xia Zishang narrowed her eyes in disgust.

The king was very wronged, "I said that I don't know much about the things in the tomb of the national teacher, and this person has not acted with us before, so how do I know if he is haunted by some evil spirit. You also know Yes, this is the tomb of the national teacher, it is normal to encounter some evil spirits and be killed."

After being awakened by his elder brother's screams, Qin Lao San stared at his second brother's body in a daze. After hearing what the king said, he glared at him angrily, "You nonsense! My second brother was fine last night. Just sleeping next to him, if he strangled himself to death, how could I not notice it?"

"Believe it or not, anyway, I don't know what's going on." Shrugging his shoulders disapprovingly, the king disdained to argue with Qin Laosan.

Everyone fell into a deep silence when they heard the words, but they were all dead, and there was no evil or resentment left around. Even if Qin Laoer killed himself, nothing else could be found out, so he had to give up.

However, after all, one person died, and the breath of death shrouded everyone's hearts like a haze, and everyone was in danger.

Now they were not in the mood to continue to sleep, and everyone hurriedly ate some breakfast, and then left the tomb.

Arriving at the long tomb passage, before the king could hide, Xia Zishang slapped him and pushed him out, "Exploring the way."

The king dared not speak out, and glared at Xia Zishang angrily, with extremely resentful eyes.

Damn Xia Ye, you know how to squeeze me, and see how I deal with you in the future!
The scene of dismantling Xia Zishang into pieces kept appearing in his mind, and the king walked forward quickly along the tomb passage in a chattering voice.

Didn't they encounter nothing in the previous tomb passage?How could it be so memorized when it was its turn to explore the way!
The king thought very simply, but he didn't expect that Xia Zishang had never let him explore the way before, but this time he suddenly called it. It can be seen that this tomb passage must be different from the previous one.

At this time, the floor tiles under the king's feet were submerged into the ground under its foot.

There was a strange sound of the mechanism being touched, and there was a crisp sound between the rotation of the gears, which made everyone feel vigilant, and then saw the wall beside the king seem to be ejected, attacking from the front and back, like a sandwich, knocking the king's body into pieces. The body deformed with a snap!
With a bang, the king's body seemed to explode, and there was a loud bang.

Everything happens between breaths, giving no time to react at all.

"Dead, dead?" Seeing that the two walls sandwiching the king's body were tightly bonded together, someone in the crowd said such a sentence, and felt a little nauseous after saying this.

With such a great power, I'm afraid that the king's feces and intestines will be photographed.

Unexpectedly, the king moved his footsteps and squeezed out from the gap in the wall with ease. His upper body was patted like paper, and he couldn't even stand up so lightly. He crawled back to the crowd.

"Hurry up, give me some air, my king is out of breath!" The king said pitifully, his air was like a silk thread.

Everyone's eyeballs are about to pop out? !
Didn't get shot to death, but was shot leaking?What kind of operation is this!
"Are you a rubber man or an inflatable doll?" Amo looked at the king in shock and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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