God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1636 Spit out 2 front teeth stained with blood

Chapter 1636 Spit out two blood-stained front teeth

There was a loud noise, and Ma San's face changed from angry to ferocious, and he let out an earth-shattering scream.

"My hand, my hand is going to break!" Ma San covered his hands and bent over to cry, shaking his whole body in pain.

Amo saw the opportunity, pawed the pig's trotters on the ground twice, and then charged up, his body as hard as iron rushed out with a whoosh, hitting Ma San's belly with his head, and raised his head on Ma San's belly. San's screams sent him flying.

"Help! Life! Ah!" Ma San wailed and flew out. Before his eyes, he fell from mid-air and hit the fattest crane.

He couldn't help but feel happy, Ma San was glad that he could wait for the crane as a cushion so as not to suffer further pain, but he never expected that the crane would have been awakened by his shrill screams, and at this moment he glanced at him noblely. , the steps under his feet flashed quickly, and he easily dodged to the side.

Ma San's smile froze at the corner of his lips, he faced down and slapped his body heavily on the ground.

Immediately, a large cloud of dust flew up, and Ma San fell to the ground and twitched continuously, rolling his eyes wildly in pain.

The mouth was even more salty, Ma San pouted his mouth, and spit out two blood-stained front teeth.

Seeing this scene and almost fainting, Ma San held his two broken teeth in his hands, wanting to cry without tears, "Woooooo, my teeth, my teeth!"

Ma San had a lot of tears and snot in pain, and even wanted to die!
Especially when he saw the fat crane beside him giving him a sarcasm look, Ma San was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He didn't care about 21 at the moment, pulled the crane by its neck, and rode on its back.

"Stop!" Amo hurriedly wanted to stop him, but he didn't want Ma San to stab the black needle into the crane's body.

The crane, which was still sluggish, suddenly flew up from the ground as if it had been injected with chicken blood, and then flapped its wings frantically, leading Ma Sanyi to fly into the sky, without giving Amo any chance to stop him .

People from other sects hurried over, but they didn't expect to see this scene just in time.

"Hahahaha, the old paper was successfully provoked, successfully provoked!" Ma San lost his two front teeth, and his words leaked, but he couldn't hide the joy in his eyes. He excitedly hugged the crane's neck, and went straight to the square like crazy Go through the barrier hole in the sky.

"Damn it, you dare to steal our crane!" Qu Bailu's eyes almost burst into flames, and he clenched his fists and said angrily.

"We must find a way to recapture the crane, otherwise, it will not only be a heavy loss for our sect, but it will be even worse if it is spread out." The voice of Mr. Yueqing fell, and his figure had turned into an afterimage, quickly chasing after him. out.

"Little Maruko, go and bring that bastard back!" Dead Man rushed to bring Xiao Maruko, and immediately shouted.

"Don't worry, he doesn't want to run away with me here." Xiaowanzi snorted proudly, and then rushed out like a cannonball, chasing after Ma San.

Ma San's speed was very fast, and he was already approaching the square in the blink of an eye.

Here, Xia Zishang has already rushed to the square to meet Gong Wuxie.

Immediately told Gong Wuxie what Lily had reported to the demon corpses, "No matter what the lowly demon corpses want to do, they must leave Tianhan City when the barrier is broken and the morning light first dawns. We might as well wait until then Then send the people away.

Gong Wuxie heard the words, but did not immediately agree.

(End of this chapter)

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