God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1637 The old paper lied to you

Chapter 1637 The old paper lied to you
"Are you sure you want to stop the evacuation?" Gong Wuxie looked at the remaining forty or so civilians around, as well as the thirty or so government guards including Yin Hantian, "If we leave now, there should be just enough time, otherwise once The enchantment is broken, the demon corpses are hiding, and we have to deal with a large number of puppets, if we want to leave by then, it will not be as easy as it is now."

The demon corpses cannot move during the day, but the puppets can. Although they are not as strong as the demon corpses, they are more numerous. It is not an easy task to deal with them and protect the people at the same time.

"I know what you mean, but since the demon corpses around the enchantment are different, we can only stop and wait and see what happens." Xia Zishang said with a condensed expression, "We can't risk the lives of the common people. "

They don't know what kind of conspiracy the demon corpses are planning, so they can only be careful every step of the way.

Gong Wuxie frowned, but admitted that what Xia Zishang said made sense, "people from other sects are about to arrive, why don't we combine the power of all of us, build a barrier, and continue to resist the demon corpses, look at them What's next..."

"My lord, Mr. Wuxie, what is that?" Yin Hantian seemed to find something wrong, he interrupted what Gong Wuxie was saying, and asked the figure in the night sky he was pointing at.

Xia Zishang and Gong Wuxie looked puzzled after hearing the words, and looked in the direction Yin Hantian pointed at the same time.

The sky near dawn was still a bit gloomy, but it didn't affect the two of them seeing the figure in the sky clearly.

That figure was Ma San. He was bruised and bruised. He was hugging the crane that lost his mind under the influence of the drug. With a mad face, he was staring at the barrier hole not far away.

"Then, isn't that Ma San? Where did he get the crane?" Someone in the square recognized Ma San and asked in puzzlement.

"I just said why he was queuing up, and he disappeared after queuing up. So he went to the magistrate's mansion to steal the crane!" Immediately, some people saw the clue and scolded loudly.

"The shameless thing actually did such a disgusting thing, it's simply disgusting!"

While the people were yelling, they saw the figure of Xiaowanzi flying towards Ma San again.

Xiaowanzi's silver hair danced wildly in the wind. She stepped on the back of the crane, lifted Ma San's collar, and said angrily, "Damn guy, do you think you can escape? Believe it or not, I will throw you away right now!" go down!"

Ma San never expected that Xiaowanzi would catch up so quickly, he was so frightened that he immediately confessed, crying and begging for mercy, "I was wrong, I would also get a crane head because I was afraid of death, I didn't mean it, Please let me go!"

Having said this, Ma San suddenly glanced at the sky, showing horror, and said inarticulately, "Demon, demon corpse...?!"

Xiaowanzi's heart tightened, and he quickly turned his head to look at the sky behind him.

However, there was nothing in the sky, where did some demon corpse come from.

A bad premonition subconsciously appeared in her heart, and Xiao Maruko realized that she had been fooled, but it was too late.

"Hahahaha, the old paper is lying to you!" Ma San laughed loudly, taking advantage of the distraction of Xiaowanzi, he flew up and kicked Xiaowanzi off the crane.

(End of this chapter)

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