Chapter 1827 Mischief

Xuezang waited for a long time but couldn't wait for Chen Jiashi, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Worried that Chen Jiashi was in some danger, Xuezang had to wake up the mercenaries of the other Snow Leopard mercenary regiments, and then left a small group of people behind, while the rest went to look for Chen Jiashi who had not returned.

There are many hidden dangers in the Valley of the Fallen Gods, and no one here will kindly offer to help, so even if the Snow Leopard mercenary group made a lot of noise, the other mercenary groups present have the right to pretend that they did not see it, and everyone would I don't care why Chen Jiashi disappeared.

Among them, Xuanyuan Yelan was the one who cared the least about this matter. He didn't even cast a glance over, and just kept guarding the bonfire in front of him.

The night passed quietly, and the Snow Leopard mercenary group searched all night, and finally at sunrise, they found Chen Jiashi who was covered in a sack and hung from a tree with his wrists tied.

Everyone hurriedly untied the rope on Chen Jiashi's wrist, and they were relieved when they found that he was just unconscious and not dead, and then hurriedly brought him back to the open space where everyone was.

As soon as Chen Jiashi was carried back, he attracted everyone's attention.

You know, disappearing in the Valley of the Fallen Gods for one night is equivalent to being sentenced to death, and it would be nice to find the body. Who knew that Chen Jiashi had no missing arms or broken legs, and he came back alive.

People from the other mercenary regiments came over curiously to check the situation, and when they saw the appearance of Chen Jiashi who was being carried back, they couldn't help grinning at the corners of their lips, and burst out amazing smiles at the same time. Voice.

"Hahaha, what's going on here? Did your deputy head have a ghost shave his head?" Someone in the other mercenary group that was opposed to the Snow Leopard mercenary group immediately taunted them unceremoniously.

Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu hadn't responded just now, until they heard this, they all looked in Chen Jiashi's direction together.

Chen Jiashi who was placed on the ground rolled his eyes and fell asleep like a dead pig. His dislocated jaw had been pushed up again, but because his jaw was injured, his face was red and swollen like a pig's head .

However, this is not the funniest thing, the most funny thing is Chen Jiashi's head.

I don't know who did it, but Chen Jiashi's head was shaved to the point that not a single hair was left, and his shiny brain was dazzling, like a round and reflective marinated egg.

Not only that, Chen Jiashi's eyebrows and even eyelashes were scraped off by the roots, and there was no other trauma on his body, except that there were strange dark marks on the pants, and there was a smell of urine on them.

It was the first time for Xuanyuan Yelan to see a person whose head was shaved by a ghost. He took a second look at Chen Jiashi who was unconscious, and then keenly noticed something strange.

"The aura on this person is weird." Xuanyuan Yelan's dark eyes glowed with golden flames, he stared at Chen Jiashi coldly and continued, "There is an invisible aura on his body, which is not what ordinary ghosts should have. breath."

Following Xia Zishang's side, Xuanyuan Yelan had seen many mischievous ghosts, so he was not surprised that Chen Jiashi would encounter ghosts who shave their heads.

However, what remained in Chen Jiashi's body was not only yin energy, but also a strange aura, holy and filthy. These two contradictory auras were perfectly blended together at this time, which seemed extraordinarily weird. .

After hearing Xuanyuan Yelan's words, Bai Jiushu followed his gaze and looked at Chen Jiashi.

(End of this chapter)

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