God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1828 Met the Shuangsha King

Chapter 1828 Met the Shuangsha King

Sure enough, as Xuanyuan Yelan said, the aura that permeated Chen Jiashi's body was very strange, and it was difficult to describe it in words.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Bai Jiushu's face was slightly condensed, and he took the initiative to get up and approach.

The two walked to Chen Jiashi's side at the same time.

Xuezang had no time to choke the hostile mercenary group. Seeing Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu approaching, his attitude suddenly became extremely respectful, "Hello, two gentlemen."

"What's the situation?" As he approached Chen Jiashi, Xuanyuan Yelan could feel the strange aura around him more clearly.

Xue Zang was also very worried, "I don't know. It stands to reason that if someone suddenly disappears midway, it is likely that they were killed by monsters in the canyon. Even if they survived, they must at least be injured. But what's the matter with the shaved hair?"

Not only Xue Zang, but other members of the Snow Leopard Mercenary Corps are also full of black lines at the moment.

"Captain, I think it's better to wake up the deputy chief first, and then ask what's going on." Seeing Xue Zang nodding in agreement, the doctor accompanying the Snow Leopard Mercenary Corps took a step forward and raised his hand at Chen Jiashi's men. In the middle position, a very irritating liquid was applied.

Chen Jiashi's body trembled, and after he sneezed so loudly, he sprang up like chicken blood, not forgetting to shout in panic, "Help, help!"

Xue Zang quickly pressed Chen Jiashi's shoulders to calm his emotions, "Don't be afraid, you are already safe."

Chen Jiashi looked around in confusion, and after confirming that he was safe, he suddenly sniffled, and then, like a wronged little daughter-in-law, he threw himself into Xuezang's arms, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L L Scared!"

Seeing Chen Jiashi crying with snot and tears, Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu took a step back in disgust.

And the people around, seeing the expressions of Xue Zang and Chen Jiashi, also became weird.

Two drops of cold sweat slid down Xuezang's forehead, he raised his hand and patted Chen Jiashi's shoulder, "What are you doing, sir? Look, you are all right!"

"Yeah, me, why am I okay?" Chen Jiashi wiped his tears and snot all over Xuezang, and said in disbelief, "I have met the Shuangsha King, why didn't it kill me? "

The three words Shuangshawang had been spoken, and the expressions on everyone's faces changed at the same time.

Especially Xuanyuan Yelan, his aura changed suddenly, and he warned coldly, "If you dare to lie, be careful with your head."

"I've become like this and you're still attacking me, do you still have humanity?!" Chen Jiashi cried out again in fright, "Besides, why should I lie! What I said is true, the one who kidnapped me was a woman! In this wilderness, besides the Shuangsha King, where did other women come from?!"

Everyone knows that Shuangsha God likes to go out as a woman on weekdays. In this terrifying forest, it is indeed difficult to have other women besides Shuangsha King.

Seeing Chen Jiashi crying with snot and tears, everyone couldn't doubt the authenticity of his words.

"If it's really the Shuangsha King, it's a miracle that you're still alive." Xue Zang's face was very solemn, "It's just that the Shuangsha King never went to the outskirts of the canyon before, and now he suddenly went out. There's something wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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