God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1829 Cooperation

Chapter 1829 Cooperation
"I don't care if there's anything wrong with him! Captain! Let's go, as long as we get out of this ghostly place, we don't care about any danger!" Chen Jiashi said hastily.

After hearing this, someone in the crowd immediately gave Chen Jiashi a disgusted look, and said in an indifferent tone, "What you said is really light, how can it be so easy? It will be cloudy for at least the next ten days , we can’t penetrate the fog at all, and no one can leave here.”

"What should we do? If we meet the Shuangsha King next time, we might not have such good luck." Seeing Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu staring at Chen Jiashi thoughtfully, Xue Zang cautiously Asked, "I wonder if the two of you are interested in joining us?"

Chen Jiashi rolled his eyes at Xuezang speechlessly, "Captain, why haven't you given up yet? Let me tell you straight, the two of them will definitely not agree!"

"No, we agreed." Xuanyuan Yelan slapped Chen Jiashi in the face gorgeously with one sentence, "However, we have one condition."

Xuezang was shocked by the surprise that fell from the sky, he reflected for a moment, and then showed a flattering smile without hesitation, "Okay, no matter what the conditions are, we will agree!"

"Since you are familiar with the periphery, then you are responsible for leading us through the periphery and walking towards the place closest to the core of the canyon. We will go our separate ways until you feel that you cannot continue to go deep into the canyon. As long as you can do it, we will be responsible for helping you Solve all the dangers encountered along the way." Xuanyuan Yelan said lightly, his tone was as simple as talking about the weather, as if all the dangers around the canyon were nothing to him at all.

"Naturally, the treasure you found will also score half of our score." Bai Jiushu said with a smile.

Xuezang nodded wildly excitedly, and agreed without hesitation, "Okay, okay, then it's settled!"

Seeing this scene, the other mercenary groups that were opposed to the Snow Leopard mercenary group couldn't taunt any more. They all looked like dead old ladies, all of them were ugly and outrageous.

At this moment, these people all felt regretful.

If they had known that Xuezang's thick-skinned pestering was useful, they should have followed the example of him and pestered the two young masters in front of them. If this was the case, they might be the ones being protected now!
It's a pity that it's useless for other people to regret, they can only watch the snow leopard mercenary group proud.

"We still need to rectify it here. After half an hour, we will set off into the mountain together. I wonder if the two young masters can agree?" Xue Zang asked cautiously.

Seeing Xuanyuan Yelan and both of them nodded in agreement, Xuezang finally let go of his hanging heart, and then hurriedly greeted them, ready to set off to the depths of the canyon.

Time flies, Xia Zishang's side is also at noon, riding a flying Luan beast, and returning to the National Teacher's Mansion.

Although they had already received the news one step ahead, Xia Zishang and the others would bring back the high sect master who had turned into a monster.

It's just that, when Dead Head and Yun Yu saw the Master Gao, they couldn't help being surprised.

When Xia Zishang and the others were leaving, Yun Yu and the dead head had researched a medicine that could temporarily make the puppet lose its fighting power. The master and apprentice gave the medicine to Gaomen first, and waited until his out-of-control body stopped struggling. Only then did Xia Zishang untie the whip.

(End of this chapter)

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