God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1855 89% of that woman is the Demon Corpse King!

Chapter 1855 That woman is probably the Demon Corpse King!

I really didn't expect that there is nowhere to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.

The breath of this woman in front of him made Xuanyuan Yelan subconsciously disgusted, which was exactly the same as the disgust he felt when facing the demon corpse in the past!
That being the case, the identity of the woman in front of her is naturally self-evident!

"Dream demon." The woman lazily brushed the broken hair around her ears, and said with a bright smile, "Today, I will show you how this man was overwhelmed by the charm of this king, and fell in love with him." Under the king's pomegranate skirt!"

"Yes, master!" Meng Yao turned into a puff of smoke and floated beside the woman, his eyes were full of longing.

The dream monster knows best that compared to dream monsters like them who can create illusions, the beauty of the master can drive men all over the world crazy. Up to now, no man has been able to resist the charm of the master. The man in front of him Certainly no exception.

The woman thought that she would be able to seduce Xuanyuan Yelan immediately because of her charming appearance, so she took the initiative to approach her.

But who knew that Xuanyuan Yelan didn't move for a while.

The woman was a little surprised by this, but she didn't mind.

Very lazily and charmingly, she raised her hand and gently brushed the broken hair beside her ear, smiled lightly and waved to Xuanyuan Yelan, "Don't be shy, come on~"

As expected, Xuanyuan Yelan was not shy. Two clusters of hell fires were born under his feet. He held a sharp fire sword formed by the condensed flames, turned his wrist, and quickly drew a sword flower in the air, and then pierced the woman's chest with the long sword. shoulders.

The woman let out an earth-shattering scream, clutching the wound on her shoulder in pain and backed away frantically, looking at Xuanyuan Yelan with an expression more like seeing a ghost!

"No, it's impossible, how can you hurt me?! I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, how can you have the heart to kill me?!" The woman let out a miserable scream, and was directly caught by Xuanyuan Yelan. The fist hit the cheek.

Compared with physical pain, spiritual pain makes women feel more tormented!
Could it be that she is not attractive enough?Otherwise, how could this man be willing to beat such a flowery beauty like her!
"The frog at the bottom of the well doesn't know the height of the sky and the depth of the earth." Xuanyuan Yelan looked at the woman like he was looking at an ant on the side of the road, and another hellfire went straight to burn the woman.

Seeing the golden flames sweeping towards her all over the sky, the woman widened her eyes in fright, "Meng Yao, send me out quickly!"

Meng Yao didn't dare to disobey, and quickly released the woman out of the illusion.

The hellfire failed to catch up with the woman's pace, Xuanyuan Yelan watched the woman leave.

If he hadn't guessed wrong, that woman was probably the Demon Corpse King!

The cooked duck can't be allowed to fly away again, the hell fire in Xuanyuan Yelan's hand spreads in the air like a straight line, crazily roasting the entire sleeping space.

The Dream Demon has no power to resist, and can only let the hellfire burn its body like a rotten one, breaking through the space in front of it.

Before the woman was sent out, Meng Yao's dying screams were heard in her ears. She didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly left the illusion, and returned to Luoshenyuan in a state of embarrassment.

The figure stopped not far from Xuanyuan Yelan, and the woman stood firm, so she looked at Xuanyuan Yelan unwillingly.

She greedily looked at this man's appearance, unwilling to admit defeat and wanted to get closer.

(End of this chapter)

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