God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1856 I Don’t Know What Taste I Was Back then

Chapter 1856 I Don’t Know What Taste I Was Back then

Who knew that Xuanyuan Yelan, who had her eyes tightly closed, seemed to sense the approaching danger, and suddenly a cloud of hellfire burst out of her body.

With a whoosh, the woman clearly felt that a chain of fire was like a sharp razor, leaving a red burn mark in the center of her forehead, which actually burned the hair on the top of her head!

"Ah! This king's hair, this king's beautiful hair!" The woman who crazily loved her beauty took out a delicate mirror from her arms, and hurriedly glanced at herself in the mirror, almost fainting in anger.

The middle of her forehead was shaved with a gap half an inch long, like a feng shui ridge, and she successfully separated her left and right sides of hair completely, which looked extremely funny.

Femininely trembling all over, she screamed, "Ah!! This king's hair, without hair, how can this king be the most beautiful woman in the world!"

When the woman was crying bitterly over her beautiful hair, a discordant voice sounded, "Hehe, Corpse Girl, after so many years, you really haven't improved at all, no matter what time it is, you value your face the most! "

The woman heard a familiar voice, looked vigilantly at the owner of the voice, and saw the old ghost with his hands in his armholes, floating not far away with a smile that wasn't a smile.

"Chiyan, why are you here..." The woman recognized the old man ghost, and a look of shock appeared in her eyes.

However, the woman calmed down quickly. With a wave of her hand, the hair on the top of her head miraculously regenerated, and the whole person returned to her beautiful appearance, and then she smiled slowly, "I said why I have not been able to go smoothly. The reason why you entered the depths of the Valley of the Fallen Gods is because you, an immortal, are still alive!"

Old man ghost, no, it should be said that after hearing the woman's words, Chi Yan's old lips suddenly curled into a mocking smile, "Shi Ji, in order to protect you, I alone endured the nine-turn gold Lei, made me lose my mind and soul, have you forgotten?!"

"Of course I haven't forgotten, Shi Ji has always remembered how much Master Yunshen loved Shi Ji. To tell you the truth, I was sad for a long time when you died protecting Shi Ji." Shi Ji was furious. He took a desperate look at Chiyan, and said with a coquettish smile.

Chi Yan mentioned the events of the year, and clenched his fists angrily, "Damn witch, if it wasn't because you lied to me, how could I have fallen from the cloud god to the fallen angel, and then died to protect you, a poisonous woman!"

That's right, the old man ghost abandoned his god position for love back then, and voluntarily became the fallen god of cloud god Chiyan!

And the woman in front of him at this time, no, it should be said to be this demon corpse, the demon corpse king, corpse princess, who took advantage of his feelings and caused his tragic death back then!
"Chiyan, we were just because of your love and my wish. You volunteered to help me take the blame. I didn't force you." Shi Ji looked at Chiyan with a relaxed expression, and slowly played with her slender fingertips hanging on her chest. long hair.

"Okay, even if I was blind back then." Chi Yan snorted freely, but when it looked at Shi Ji again, its eyes changed from resentment to contempt, and it kept sighing, "Oh, I don’t know what kind of taste I was back then, but I didn’t like so many beautiful fairies in the Nine Heavens, but I actually liked an ugly monster like you, I really deserved to be struck to death by lightning in the end.”

(End of this chapter)

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