God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1860 Its hair is gone

Chapter 1860 Its hair is gone
Feeling the raging murderous aura released from Chi Zhou's body, Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu both had bad premonitions in their hearts.

Chiyan still couldn't accept the reality that she had become bald, so she raised her hand and touched her bald head stiffly.

No, its hair is gone.

Its hair, its last two precious hairs, was chopped off by Corpse Ji!

Corpse Ji felt the terrifying aura emanating from Chiyin's body, and subconsciously took a step back, trying to distance herself from Chiyin.

Who knew that Chi Yan, who was rubbed against the ground by Corpse Ji just now, turned grief and anger into strength at this moment, his angry figure was like a raging lion, and rushed to Corpse Ji almost instantly.

Chiyan was so close that he raised his hand and broke Shi Ji's neck.

"Don't even think about it!" Corpse Ji glared at Chi Yin angrily, and then raised her hand to protect her neck smartly.

Who knows, Chi Yan came here in anger, and aimed not at Shi Ji's throat, let alone her heart, but at her lush hair, as dry as an eagle's claw, he grabbed it with his hand, and then forcefully Pulled a lot of her hair down!

Shi Ji was stunned, she never expected that Chiyan would not play cards according to common sense, and before she could react to what happened, she was dragged bald by Chiyan.

The hair was forcibly separated from the scalp, and the heart-piercing pain spread.

Chi Yan was so puzzled that he grabbed Shi Ji's remaining hair!
"Chiyan, I warn you to let me go! Let go quickly!" Shi Ji felt that a layer of her scalp was about to be lifted off, and the pain was so painful that her eyes were teary, she raised her hand and swung a fist, hitting the red skin. Yin's face.

Chiyan was punched hard, and the soul was smashed by the fist, but it didn't take it seriously, opened its mouth and bit Shiji's neck, and then the movements of its hands were even more ferocious like a devil, as if it went crazy Rambling wildly, "Let you move my hair! I'm going to rip off all your hair!
Thinking that the only hair left of him was gone, Chi Yan widened his red eyes, and continued to strike, until finally he tore Shi Ji's hair like a dog, and refused to stop.

Corpse Ji watched her beautiful long hair being pulled down by Chi Yan like weeds, and angrily screamed at the stunned high-ranking demon corpses around, "What are you bastards still doing in a daze? Hurry up and save me!"

Those monster corpses finally realized suddenly when they heard the words, and they all rushed forward, aiming at Chiyan with their sharp claws at the same time.

Just when Chiyin's heart was about to be pierced, two groups of flames of different colors leaped out and lightly landed on the shoulders of these high-level demon corpses.

The seemingly harmless flame, the moment it touched the shoulders of the monster corpses, it seemed to explode, and the flames engulfed their bodies.

The high temperature released by the raging fire formed a heat wave on the corpse girl's face. The terrifying temperature was actually higher than the normal flame temperature, which scorched the corpse girl's beautiful face and gave off a bad smell. taste.

"Leave the rest of the demon corpse to me. You two should work together to kill this damned woman first!" Chi Yan pulled out the beautiful hair on the top of Corpse Ji's head with all her strength, and then took a step before Corpse Ji went mad. Withdrew and left.

Seeing the demon corpses around him bursting towards him, Chi Yan raised his hand and unreservedly released the remaining energy in his body, turning it into a large snow-white cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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