God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1861 Every piece of flesh on its body contains highly poisonous

Chapter 1861 Every piece of flesh and blood on it contains poison

The white cloud looked extremely soft, engulfing the bodies of the group of high-ranking monster corpses, forcing them to be unable to move.

The high-ranking demon corpses began to struggle vigorously. They wanted to get rid of these annoying clouds, but these clouds tightly wrapped their bodies. No matter how hard they tried, their fists were like punches When they landed on the cotton, the strength of the fists was completely absorbed, making them powerless and could only be tightly entangled by the white clouds.

The skin on Corpse Ji's face has been completely deformed by baking. With that eerie face on her face, her fingernails scratched her scalp vigorously, leaving a series of bloody wounds. Qiqiaozhong was even more angry because of excessive anger. A large amount of black and red blood spewed out, "This king is the king of demon corpses, and this king is the king of this world. How dare you treat me like this? You really want to die!"

The aura around her became ferocious, and Shi Ji's figure was like a huge maggot, all the bones on her body were broken, and she raised her hand like a madman to tear off the beautiful skin on her body, revealing the huge rotten flesh under the skin.

A strong stench gushes out the moment Corpse Ji's real body appears, and the foul stench condenses into a miasma in the air, and hits everyone's face with a gust of wind.

Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu retreated at the same time, and while taking the Xixi Pill and the Detoxification Pill, they raised their hands to shatter the miasma rushing in front of them with a wave of spiritual power, and then looked at Chi Yan with disgust at the same time.

"Your taste was really strong back then." Bai Jiushu stared at Chiyin steadfastly, piercing his heart with an arrow.

Chi Yan really wanted to refute, but looking at the writhing Corpse Ji not far away, it was really hard for him to open his mouth to defend himself.

Because the corpse girl at this moment looks really disgusting!

Corpse Ji's body was like a pool of blood-colored rotten flesh, wriggling and crawling on the ground, her sinister eyeballs shuttled through the rotten flesh, covered with bloodshot eyes, but it was very satisfied, the corners of its lips suddenly cracked With a creepy smile and a liquid-like figure, he shot towards Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu in a rapid manner.

"Hee hee hee, come here obediently, let me eat you, and then merge with me!" Corpse Ji laughed loudly, its rotten flesh seemed to float in the air, and then suddenly opened in the air, Like a big foul-smelling net, it circled towards the heads of the two of them.

"Be careful, every piece of flesh and blood on its body contains poison, don't be touched by its flesh and blood!" Chi Yan shouted with a condensed expression.

Before Chiyan finished speaking, Xuanyuan Yelan and Bai Jiushu moved towards the left and right, avoiding this almost brutal attack.


Corpse Ji's muddy body covered the ground, and the terrible corrosive poison melted the ground, billowing out bursts of strange and unpleasant green smoke.

"Don't run, or if this king can't eat you all in one bite, you will be the ones who will suffer in the end. Come on, come to me obediently, hehehe..." Corpse Ji cracked the corners of her lips and said Laughing ferociously wantonly, while it was speaking, it opened its mouth and sprayed out a large mouthful of venom, and sprayed it straight to Bai Jiushu's face.

Obviously, Shi Ji still hated Bai Jiushu's mockery of her, and couldn't wait to destroy Bai Jiushu's handsome face, which was so handsome that both humans and gods were angry.

Dodging the foul-smelling venom sideways, Bai Jiushu frowned in disgust, raised his sleeve to cover his nose, "Xuanyuan Yelan, hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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