God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1862 As long as the gut is not taken away, it is immortal

Chapter 1862 As long as the gut is not taken away, it is immortal
Although Bai Jiushu didn't want to cooperate with Xuanyuan Yelan, he couldn't stand the stench!
This stench was so strong that even if he took the Xixi Pill, it was useless, he could still smell the pungent smell clearly!
"Aim at the guts on Shi Ji's body! That's where the energy of her whole body is concentrated, as long as you aim there, you can kill it in an instant!" Chi Yan reminded the two of them loudly, and then continued with a serious expression, "You guys Don't worry and fight Corpse Ji with all your strength, I will help you delay the remaining demon corpses first!"

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded in agreement, and then rushed out from the spot first.

Xuanyuan Yelan's handsome figure turned into a golden light, and the fiery breath swept out along with the hellfire, baking the moisture in the surrounding air instantly.

Seeing Xuanyuan Yelan's movements, Bai Jiushu's demonic aura surged around him, ready to make a move at any time.

Xuanyuan Yelan's figure came in front of Shi Ji in an instant, and while running wildly, she carefully identified the point on Shi Ji's body where the energy was most concentrated!
Shi Ji pursed her big mouth, then spit out a mouthful of ugly venom with a puff, and went straight to Xuanyuan Yelan's face.

Xuanyuan Yelan's figure turned around in the air with the power of the hellfire, and dodged extremely quickly, letting the cloudy venom rub against his body and fly out.

The highly corrosive venom flew out after brushing Xuanyuan Yelan's forehead and side, and landed on the mountain wall behind him. A puff of green smoke was instantly stirred up, and a large hole was corroded directly on it.

Xuanyuan Yelan carefully identified the point on Corpse Ji's body where the energy was most concentrated, and the golden hellfire in his palm condensed again.

"Don't think about it, don't think about it!" Shi Ji roared angrily, and then her slippery body quickly retreated along the ground, trying to open the distance between Xuanyuan Yelan!

At this moment, Shi Ji smelled a faint smell of evil spirit in the air, and then felt a vibration under her feet.

A very bad premonition suddenly emerged in my heart, Shi Ji subconsciously wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

The ground under its feet collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and several fox tails formed by condensed flames surged out and approached from all directions, tightly entwining her body!

The blazing flame stuck to Corpse Ji's body, causing it to let out piercing screams, and then tried to corrode the flame with venom.

Here, Xuanyuan Yelan finally found the spot with the strongest aura on Corpse Ji.

"Hellfire Congealing Sword—"

Xuanyuan Yelan's murderous voice resounded sinisterly between heaven and earth, easily shattering the air.

The horrified fire waves swarmed in, and the corpse girl on this side kept shaking her head in fright, "No, don't!"

However, no matter how Corpse Ji resisted, the golden flame still condensed into a dazzling flaming long sword in Xuanyuan Yelan's palm.

At this time, the long sword quickly outlined a dazzling flame in the air, spinning rapidly like a round wheel, and it cut through Shi Ji's body with a whoosh sound!
Corpse Ji's body was cut off at the waist, a dazzling red light was exposed from Corpse Ji's body, it was its inner gut!

Hurriedly trying to close her broken body, Shi Ji forced herself to calm down.

No problem, don't panic!
Before the man with the Hellfire rushed over to snatch the inner liner, it was able to retract the inner liner first.

As long as the inner gut is not taken away, it is immortal!

(End of this chapter)

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