God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1869 The demon corpses on the mainland have been completely wiped out

Chapter 1869 The demon corpses on the mainland have been completely wiped out
The man just looked at Yu Xian'er, and almost crushed the armrest of the wheelchair under him, but he still held back and didn't make a sound.

Among so many people who worshiped Yuxian'er, the man seemed very inconspicuous, and he didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

Yu Xian'er didn't notice it, she sat firmly on the carriage and looked at the scene in front of her proudly.

As long as these believers have always believed in her, then she will be able to explain something to the saint.

Yu Xian'er enjoyed the feeling of being lifted up to the sky by everyone. Amid the sound of love and support from everyone, she slowly got out of the car, and then boarded the square in front of the altar.

"Everyone, please get up." Yu Xian'er looked at the people below lovingly, her gentle appearance was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, causing the people present to express their thanks and stand up.

"I came here today to tell everyone that the activities of the demon corpses and puppets are under our control. Presumably in a few months, our Xianlinmen will wipe out all the demon corpses and purify them. All the puppets, return the common people a piece of pure land!"

After hearing Yu Xian'er's words, the common people immediately boiled over, and they all looked at her with moved faces, and they couldn't help admiring, "It's worthy of being the Great Guardian, it's worthy of being Xianlinmen, it's amazing!"

"That's right, thanks to Xianlinmen, we can be safe. They are the living Bodhisattvas who rescue the suffering. If it weren't for them, we would have died long ago!"

"Long live Xianlinmen, long live the Great Protector, we can finally no longer be threatened by demon corpses!"


When the people were extremely excited, an extremely discordant voice pierced into the originally harmonious atmosphere like a sharp blade——

"It's ridiculous, Yuxian'er, you and the people behind you don't even know that the demon corpses on the mainland have been completely wiped out, and you still have the face to deceive yourself here? It's really shameful!"

The stern voice of the middle-aged man concealed a boundless murderous intent, which resounded like a thunderbolt in the sky, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Yu Xian'er on the stage, together with the common people, looked towards the person who spoke, and saw a man slumped in a wheelchair among the crowd.

At this time, the man seemed to be restraining his emotions. His fingers pinched the armrest of the wheelchair vigorously. Because of the straw hat on his head, she couldn't see the appearance of the man in front of her clearly.

However, some people immediately jumped out and objected to what the man in front of him said.

"Who are you? I think you are talking nonsense! Demon corpses are rampant on this continent, how could someone kill them all at once?" Among the common people, a supporter of Yuxian'er immediately jumped out to speak. , and as soon as he finished speaking, many people present nodded in agreement, feeling that the statement was true.

"Huh, it's because you don't know the truth. The reason why the demon corpses keep appearing is because the demon corpse king was born. Only by getting rid of the demon corpse king can the demon corpses disappear. And just yesterday, Prince Xuanyuan Yelan killed the demon corpse The corpse king obtained the inner guts of the demon corpse king, and only then did all the demon corpses in the world be wiped out!

If you don't believe me, you can ask around, not to mention other things, I can guarantee that as long as you ask, you will find that there is not a single demon corpse left around the capital!Now the only ones left are those puppets whose bodies have not been cured of the evil poison, they are still tortured by the evil poison, struggling hard! "The man said at the end, there was boundless grief hidden in that voice, which caused everyone present to look at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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