God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1870 Could it be that the National Teacher's Office wants to be a demon again?

Chapter 1870 Could it be that the National Teacher's Office wants to be a demon again?
Perhaps it was because the vicissitudes of life of the man in front of him was so contagious, so after listening to his words, for some reason, everyone present was a little shaken in their determination to defend Yu Xian'er and others.

However, in the minds of the common people, the high status of Xianlinmen cannot be easily shaken by the man in front of him with a few words.

Yu Xian'er didn't know what the man meant by this, but she quickly thought that Xuanyuan Yelan had indeed disappeared and disappeared in the recent period.

Immediately understanding that the man in front of him had bad intentions, Yu Xian'er gritted her teeth secretly, and said calmly, "Mr., please don't spread unfounded rumors here and ruin the reputation of our Xianlinmen... "

"Shut up!!" The man was completely enraged by Yu Xian'er's words, he raised his eyes angrily, those eyes seemed to ooze blood, and shouted at Yu Xian'er angrily, "You bitch has no right Tixian is here!"

When everyone was surprised, the man gritted his teeth and stood up angrily. It was extremely difficult for him to maintain his balance, his atrophied legs kept trembling, but he still stubbornly raised his hand, and suddenly lifted the straw bag on his head, The tear-stained face was revealed.

Master Gao's face was exposed to everyone's eyes, his red eyes were mixed with anger and hatred, he raised his hand, pointed at Yu Xian'er's nose, "Yu Xian'er, you will never forget The face of the deity!"

Master Gao's face full of resentment suddenly came into Yu Xian'er's eyes, she was so frightened that her feet went limp and she almost couldn't stand.

how come?The people of Xianlinmen were all poisoned and turned into puppets by her, so why did the master of the high sect appear here intact?

"Kill him, don't tell him to continue talking!" Yu Xian'er was so frightened that her complexion turned pale, and a fierce look appeared in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and lowered her voice, coldly ordering the people in the temple behind her.

Behind Yu Xian'er, those people who pretended to be the elders of Xianlinmen's temple also felt that something was wrong, their faces froze, and then they went straight to the Gaomen master at the same time!

The people in the temple were murderous, like swift and fierce wolves, and their sudden movements scared the people to scatter around like birds and beasts, for fear that they would be involved!
The master of the high sect looked indifferently at Yu Xian'er, who had fierce eyes on the stage, and a deeper disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He stood there like a pole, not afraid of the people from the temple who attacked him at all!

At the very moment, Lao Yangtou came with a long sword in his hand. His figure turned quickly in the air, and he swung the sharp long sword in his hand. Wherever he passed, the white light of the sword jumped, causing a howl of mourning.

Everyone didn't see clearly how old Yangtou moved. They saw that after he shuttled through the people in the temple, those people had lost all their strength, and fell to the ground screaming, with the hands on their wrists. It's all a red mark, the meridian has been cut off!

"Master Gao hasn't finished speaking, why are you so anxious." Old Yang sneered and raised the corners of his lips, and said in front of Master Gao.

Yuxian'er's complexion changed again when she saw Old Yang's head. She felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy, and she only felt a biting chill sweeping through her whole body, and she felt a very bad premonition in her heart.

Not only Yuxian'er, but also the people present recognized Lao Yangtou. At this moment, they looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling puzzled.

What's happening here?Could it be that the National Teacher's Mansion wants to be a demon again?
(End of this chapter)

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