God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1872 Bad woman, you still don't shut up!

Chapter 1872 Bad woman, you still don't shut up!
"You talk nonsense, you talk nonsense, what evidence do you have...!" Yu Xian'er was furious, her disguise was ruthlessly exposed, everything happened so suddenly, she could even feel that the eyes of the people around her were no longer looking at her. He was no longer as respectful as before, but gradually became suspicious.

"As I said just now, all the people in our Xianlin Gate except me have become puppets. Now Xianlin Mountain is surrounded by the enchantment built by the national teacher. Those puppets can't escape, so you just need to send someone over there You can find out when you check it out." The master Gao Sect looked at Yuxian'er's pale face with a sneer, and felt a touch of pleasure in his heart, "Yuxian'er, do you think your clothes are perfect? ​​Hahaha, people, I might as well tell you, These counterfeit goods in front of you are actually from the Temple of the Western Regions! They are running dogs of the Temple!"

"That's impossible!" Someone in the crowd immediately jumped out to object, "The Great Protector is very kind to us, and she even provided us with holy water. It's all thanks to the holy water. Now I feel refreshed every day!"

However, this person took the initiative to speak for Yu Xian'er, but Yu Xian'er did not arouse her gratitude, but instead received a slap in the face from her.

"Of course you are in high spirits, because the holy water you took also contains corpse poison, which can slowly destroy people's nerves. I think, those of you who take holy water on time should all be at night Has there been a phenomenon of night excursions?" The master of the high sect seemed to have seen through everything, and said faintly.

Sure enough, after the Master Gao's words fell, quite a few commoners present looked as if they had been seen through.

The sneer at the corner of the master's mouth deepened by three points, and he said without shocking, "The reason why you have such a situation is because of the corpse poison, although the amount of corpse poison mixed in the holy water is not much, but It is enough to make you react, and, according to the speed at which you are taking the holy water, it will take less than three months for all the people in this capital to become controlled by the corpse poison and become puppets..."

After hearing this, the common people discussed continuously for a while.

Although the Master Gao's words were harsh, but what he said was so clear that people couldn't help but want to believe it.

Moreover, after discussing among the people present, they found that not only themselves, but also the people around them had the kind of nocturnal phenomenon mentioned by the master of the sect.

For a while, the common people kept talking, and they looked at Yu Xian'er and the others with suspicion.

Under the questioning eyes of everyone, Yu Xian'er suddenly panicked, "No, it's not what you imagined, he is talking nonsense, he has no evidence at all! Have you all forgotten? I am the one who cured those things for you. Runaway puppets, it is all thanks to me that you can reunite with your family."

"Bad woman, you still don't shut up!" At this moment, a pink figure rushed up the stage, and it was the menacing Amo.

Yu Xian'er was so frightened that her complexion turned pale, her bad premonition made her subconsciously vigilant, she turned around and wanted to leave.

It's a pity that Amo didn't give Yu Xian'er this chance at all, its figure flew towards Yu Xian'er quickly, and then smashed Yu Xian'er's face with a hammer.

Yu Xian'er's body trembled after being hit, and then two gorgeous nosebleeds were left in her nostrils, and the eye socket of one eye was instantly blackened, turning into ridiculous panda eyes.

Yu Xian'er trembled with anger, roared and went straight to Amo and rushed over.

(End of this chapter)

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