God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1873 How can you repay your kindness?

Chapter 1873 How can you repay your kindness?

Unexpectedly, Amo turned around gorgeously and easily dodged Yu Xian'er's flying pounce.

How did Yu Xian'er think that Amo, as a pig, was so nimble, she didn't have time to brake at all, her head went straight to the ground, her two front teeth hit the ground, and she flew out!
Yu Xian'er let out a near-death scream, her tears were filled with pain, and bright red blood came out of her mouth, at this time a painful wail came out of her throat, and her mouth leaked, "Wo, Wo's teeth! "

"Hahaha! Little fat pig, you did a great job!" Seeing this scene, the dead man unceremoniously opened his throat and laughed loudly, slapping his thigh wildly while laughing.

Amo is not finished yet, its fat little pig's trotters stepped on Yuxian'er's back, and then, like a bodybuilding champion, raised the two pig's trotters on its front feet, and then made a muscular gesture towards everyone in the audience Full of action, looks simply majestic!

"Master is so handsome!" Yun Yu was very supportive, looking at Amo happily and applauding.

Amo suddenly became even more embarrassing, it took out a rose from nowhere, bit it in its mouth, and then used Yuxian'er as a mat for its feet, as if a hunter who had defeated his prey was showing off his spoils , stepping on Yu Xian'er's body with her head held high and her chest held high, twisting that chubby little body in all sorts of smug ways.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience couldn't help laughing out loud.

"You, get down!" Yu Xian'er raised her head angrily, but unexpectedly, Amo stepped on her other eye unceremoniously with a pig's trotter.

When Amo stepped down, Yuxian'er's intact eye also turned blue and purple. At this moment, she was foaming at the mouth and fell on the stage, her eyes were black and blue, her nose was bleeding wildly, and she was riding on a pig to show off her might. It's ridiculous to the extreme!
"Hahahaha...!" At this moment, the audience finally couldn't bear it, and a burst of laughter burst out from the crowd.

The taunt from the audience was like a sharp blade, piercing Yuxian'er's ears fiercely, her eyes were so irritated that fire was about to burst out, and then she flung her away fiercely and stepped on the ground. Amo on her.

"Go to hell!" When had she suffered such shame and humiliation, a bloodthirsty gleam appeared in Yu Xian'er's eyes, and then she pulled out the dagger hidden in her waist, and stabbed fiercely at Amo's heart .

Like a dead pig, Amo gave Yuxian'er a taunting look, and then refused to hide, allowing a knife to stab it.


Only relying on the hardness of the knife, how can it be the opponent of Amo King Kong's indestructible body, with a crisp sound, the blade in Yu Xian'er's hand broke and flew out.

Yu Xian'er's eyes widened in astonishment, and then the figure of Old Yang Tou came over like a fright, bound her hands, and pinned her firmly to the ground.

Yu Xian'er let out a mournful roar, then struggled frantically, "Let me go!"

Lao Yang didn't say a word of nonsense, his old face was full of cruelty, and he broke Yu Xian'er's arm easily with one hand.

Yu Xian'er let out an earth-shattering scream, and she wailed in pain, but the people in the surrounding temple had already seen what Old Yang was doing, so the rest of them didn't dare to go forward and confront Old Yang.

"What's going on with you!" Yu Xian'er's face was pale, her head covered in cold sweat, tears of despair flowed from her eyes, and she looked at the people in the audience with sobs, "Have you all forgotten how I helped you? Obviously I helped the puppets regain their sanity, how can you repay your kindness?"

(End of this chapter)

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