God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1875 Forcibly breaking the blood contract

Chapter 1875 Forcibly breaking the blood contract

Immediately, strangeness swept across Yu Xian'er's body. She first stared her eyes wide in astonishment, and then clearly felt a sharp pain erupting from her body unexpectedly, as if her body was about to be crushed, causing her to stare round herself in pain. Eyes, let out a hysterical scream.

A bloody mark of the blood deed emerged from between Yuxian'er's eyebrows. No matter how she struggled, the severe pain still tormented her body crazily, making her eyes red, and she could only fall to the ground screaming in pain.

The same imprint of the blood deed also appeared on the six-hole jade xun, and then the two imprints shattered in front of everyone's eyes, turning into tiny light spots and dissipating in the air.

"Ahhhhh!" The moment the blood deed disappeared, Yu Xian'er rolled on the ground in pain, bursts of blood appeared in her eyes, and she vomited out a mouthful of blood from the torture.

Everyone in the audience was shocked by this scene and took a step back, and then, blood gushed out from Yu Xian'er's red eyes, followed by Qiqiao, her beautiful face was full of ferocious expressions, blood It almost turned her into a bloody person!
Fairy Chang'e is as gentle as water, and she will not kill those who use the artifact in her hand to do evil. However, she will not make Yuxian'er feel better, let alone other things. It brought Yu Xian'er a huge backlash, and made her die of pain!

Everyone watched this scene in horror, and then suddenly heard the painful cries of the puppets from the crowd.

Xia Zishang's eyes lit up, and the corners of her lips curled into a proud smile.

Good show, finally going to play!
Just as Fairy Chang'e told Xia Zishang in advance, the expressions of the puppets mixed in the crowd changed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"My lady, what's the matter with you, lady?" One of the men saw that the expression of his beloved wife beside him changed from dull to ferocious, so he quickly pulled her back and asked in fright.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...!" After hearing his words, the man's wife had a tyrannical look in her eyes, the pitch-black nails shot out like blades, and the cold fangs and red eyes were all piercing. There was a brutal murderous intent.

"This, this is...!" The man's eyes widened in shock, he was too familiar with this scene.

The red eyes and sharp claws are all symbols of puppets!

In the next moment, the woman who turned into a puppet turned her head and glared at her side fiercely. She was concerned about her husband.

The man widened his eyes in horror, then took a step back tremblingly.

It's a pity that the man's wife has completely lost her mind. At this time, she had a fierce look in her eyes, and she raised her hand and clawed straight at the man's face!

The man screamed in fear, and then saw two dark guards in dark purple robes rushing towards him.

The two hidden guards were very strong, before his wife hurt him, they first slashed left and right, controlled his wife's hands, and then suppressed her tightly.

It wasn't just this woman who went crazy alone, there were many other people who went out with their puppets. At this time, the control of the six-hole jade xun was released. These puppets who had been suppressed for a long time in the crowd broke out at the same time and attacked the crowd. .

With the runaway of the puppets, everyone fell into a huge chaos. Everyone was terrified. The roar of the puppets was accompanied by the screams of the people, breaking the original tranquility.

(End of this chapter)

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