God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1876 Corpse poison is not incurable

Chapter 1876 Corpse poison is not incurable
Fortunately, those puppets were all suppressed by the secret guards of the National Teacher's Mansion who were waiting here in advance before they had time to do evil.

When the common people were still in shock, the people of the National Teacher's Mansion had already controlled all the puppets, tied them up, and gathered them all together.

The common people consciously stay far away from those puppets, but among the common people, many of them let you come with puppets.

These people couldn't help crying when they saw their family members who had regained their health and turned into their current inhuman appearance again.

"No wonder my child has been acting like a fool since he was treated by the Great Protector! It turns out that he has not recovered at all!" A woman knelt down on the ground crying bitterly as she looked at her bound son.

Not only this woman, but also the other common people present were in great pain seeing this scene.

Almost all of them have been helped by Yuxian'er, and they all had a grateful heart and appreciated Yuxian'er's actions, but they never expected that everything Yuxian'er did for them was a scam, but It's just using them!

Immediately, weeping and cursing were endless, and the angry people rushed forward like a pack of hungry wolves, heading towards the remaining members of the temple.

Seeing this scene, those people in the temple pretending to be the elders of Xianlinmen all had panicked lights in their eyes, no one dared to be careless, and subconsciously wanted to hurt the people in front of them.

There is no chance for these people to be presumptuous. Seeing this scene, the dead head who had been ready to go, flicked his fingers, and the poisonous needle that had been hidden in the armhole shot out of the air, hitting every person in the temple. !
The moment they were shot by the poisonous needle, more than a dozen people from the temple were poisoned and fell to the ground at the same time. The toxin paralyzed their nerves, so they could only look terrified and watched the people rush towards them.

All of a sudden, the anger of the people was like a ferocious beast attacking them, suppressing the people of the temple on the ground, crushing them to death, all of them looked fierce, as if they wished to mortify the people of the temple Ash!
Fists, slaps, and kicks all mercilessly greeted the people in the temple along with the angry curses of the people!
The people in the temple were unable to resist because of the poisonous hair. They were surrounded by the people in horror, and were soon beaten up by the angry people.

Yu Xian'er's lips were pale, and she was trembling with fright, watching the scene unfolding in front of her eyes.

A quarter of an hour ago, they were still loved by the common people, they were so high and unmatched, as if no one else could threaten their existence in this world.

But at this time, the people who just now respected them as gods were like raging lions, beating them crazily, with a ferocious look that seemed to want to smash them into pieces. The person who was beaten turned his eyes white, half dead.

I never thought that I would fall from heaven to the deepest part of hell so quickly. Such a huge drop made Yu Xian'er extremely frightened.

"Everyone, in fact, the corpse poison on the puppet is not without medicine." Xia Zishang finally said quietly when the angry people were about to beat the people of the temple to death.

(End of this chapter)

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