God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1882 Let's go, go to the palace

Chapter 1882 Let's go, go to the palace
After hearing the words, the common people finally let go of their hanging hearts, and then bowed down to Xia Zishang in unison, "Thank you, Master Guoshi!"

The people present knelt down heavily, worshiping Xia Zishang as if they were in awe of the gods.

Standing proudly on a high place, the corners of Xia Zishang's lips evoked a defiant smile, and then returned to the National Teacher's Mansion with all his subordinates.

Everyone divides the work and cooperates, the torture that should go to torture, the investigation that should go to investigation, and the preparation of countermeasures that should be prepared.

And soon, a series of things that happened today spread throughout the streets and alleys of Kyoto.

Xuanyuan Lintian, who was in the palace, naturally also received the news.

Before Xia Zishang had time to take a breath, Xuanyuan Lintian ordered her to enter the palace urgently.

Looking at the imperial decree sent by Zhang Defu, Xia Zishang threw the golden imperial decree into the pond in the yard without saying a word.

With a splash, the imperial decree sank to the bottom of the water, and Zhang Defu and others were all stunned.

"Go back and tell Your Majesty that I'm very busy." After speaking, Xia Zishang waved his hand, and the hidden guards of the National Teacher's Mansion stepped forward together, and directly led the dull Zhang Defu and others out of the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion.

When did Zhang Defu encounter this kind of thing, and his legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, like a spilled rabbit, he rushed back to the palace with oil on his feet, and reported the matter.

Xuanyuan Lintian didn't know whether it was outrage or what, but there was no movement at all.

However, after Xuanyuan Lintian settled down for only an hour, the National Teacher's Office confirmed the existence of the puppet army. Up to now, the number has reached two thousand, and the number is still increasing, as if all the puppets in the entire Yanbei Kingdom Gather together, at most the day after tomorrow, they will attack Kyoto in one fell swoop!
It was only a quarter of an hour after the news came out, Zhang Defu carried a lot of treasures and came to the National Teacher's Mansion again.

This time, Xia Zishang took the baby's face and didn't continue to chase people away. Instead, he took the gift all at once, and then asked Zhang Defu to wait in the hall.

Zhang Defu waited anxiously for a full two hours. From daytime to night, the tea in the tea bowl he drank was tasteless, and Xia Zishang still did not enter the palace with him.

Zhang Defu was about to cry, he waited and waited until Xia Zishang came in with the three children.

"Master of the State!" Zhang Defu saw Xia Zishang, and almost cried with excitement, "Master of the State, time is running out, please follow me into the palace!"

"No hurry." Xia Zishang took the hands of the three children and asked with a smile, "My babies haven't eaten yet."

"Yes, we are all hungry." Qing Mo said quickly.

"Well, and we want to eat the dishes made by mother. Mother, let's go to the kitchen together, and we will help you." Yun Yu followed.

Qingcheng took Xia Zishang's little hand and began to act coquettishly, "Mother, let's go, anyway, it's been so many days, Grandpa Huang doesn't want to see mother, so don't worry about it now."

Xia Zishang agreed to the children, and under Zhang Defu's desperate gaze, he took the children to cook.

After Xia Zishang cooked the meal and ate with the children, the night was getting darker, and Zhang Defu was about to collapse.

Seeing Zhang Defu standing at the dining table with a mournful face and a dead old lady's expression, Xia Zishang finally had a reaction.

Gracefully wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, Xia Zishang got up calmly, "Let's go, let's go to the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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