Chapter 1883
Zhang Defu didn't dare to delay for a moment, and quickly led Xia Zishang into the palace.

In the imperial study room, the flowers that Xuanyuan Lintian and others were waiting for were about to wither, and finally heard the sound of communication coming from outside the door.

"Your Majesty, Xia Guoshi asks to see you..."

"Please come in quickly!" Xuanyuan Lintian said loudly with great excitement.

After Xuanyuan Lintian finished speaking, Xia Zishang casually walked in as the door of the imperial study was pushed open.

All the excitement in my heart dissipated the moment I saw Xia Zishang, and what emerged in Xuanyuan Lintian's heart was anger!

Xuanyuan Lintian had been suffering for a whole day today, restlessly waiting for Xia Zishang to enter the palace.

In contrast, Xia Zishang seemed to be a normal person, and walked in slowly, without any sense of tension, which made Xuanyuan Lintian feel even more angry that he was being teased.

Xia Zishang's status is indeed valuable, but the national teacher is still a courtier, he is the monarch, but Xia Zishang made him wait for her for a day, which is really audacious!

As if she didn't see the anger on Xuanyuan Lintian's face, Xia Zishang didn't salute after entering the door, and the purple shadow stood like a blooming flower, as if nothing in this world could enter her Eye.

This inherent arrogance deepened the dissatisfaction on Xuanyuan Lintian's face.

"Master Xia, you really made me wait a lot." Xuanyuan Lintian said with a smile on his face, with the corners of his lips curled up coldly.

"I don't know what your Majesty wants from me?" Xia Zishang asked calmly, ignoring Xuanyuan Lintian's dissatisfaction.

He really felt guilty towards Xia Zishang in his heart, and Xuanyuan Lintian had to soften his attitude when he thought that he would still need to rely on Xia Zishang in the future, "Master Xia, I announced you into the palace myself, naturally I want to I want to clear up the past with you. I know that you have been wronged, but I was also deceived by the traitor before, so I misunderstood you and made you suffer some grievances, but fortunately, everything is over now..."

After hearing this, Xia Zishang almost couldn't help laughing.

This Xuanyuan Lintian is really shameless.

Where did the misunderstanding come from between them?It was clear that Xuanyuan Lintian unilaterally wronged her, and sent her seriously injured to jail without even giving her a chance to argue.

If Yun Yan hadn't suppressed all opposing voices and stood by her side, if it hadn't been for the people around her who had been helping her, if she had tried her best to prove her innocence, Xuanyuan Lintian would have been in front of Yu Xian'er and others. Under the influence, even in the end, it is impossible to scruple about the past friendship, and sooner or later, in order to please Yu Xian'er and others, she will choose to kill her!

Xia Zishang is really too good for Xuanyuan Lintian. Although she had expected that the person in front of her would not admit his mistakes easily, she never thought that not only did he not admit his mistakes, but he was also so thick-skinned.

Xuanyuan Lintian wanted to dismiss her with an understatement of 'misunderstanding'?

Oh, it's just wishful thinking.

Xia Zishang glanced at Xuanyuan Lintian lightly, "Has Your Majesty finished?"

"Of course I haven't finished. Xia Guoshi, I want to ask you, is it true that the puppet army is about to attack the capital?" Seeing Xia Zishang nodding, the hairs on Xuanyuan Lintian's back suddenly trembled, and his face was frightened Palely asked again, "Then I don't know how Xia Guoshi plans to deal with it?"

(End of this chapter)

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