God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1885 I'm going to kill you.

Chapter 1885 I'm going to kill you.

Ten thousand steps back, even if he tried his best to stop the army of puppets, Yun Yu would never provide the antidote to save those puppets without Xia Zishang's nod of agreement, and he would still be scolded by the people.

Xuanyuan Lintian suddenly felt difficult to breathe, as if someone was pinching his neck, which made his face turn red.

At this moment, he finally realized that Xia Zishang was forcing him, forcing him to submit.

Looking at Xia Zishang in front of him, Xuanyuan Lintian suddenly felt startled.

Only then did he realize that Xia Zishang was so uncontrollable that this woman was already out of his control.

After figuring this out, Xuanyuan Lintian was like a deflated ball, gritted his teeth and asked, "Xia Zishang, you don't have to beat around the bush in front of me, just tell me what you want me to do, so you can't help it." Resign as a national teacher?"

"The national teacher is loyal to the emperor and the Yanbei country. As long as your majesty sits on this dragon chair for a day, I will think of the humiliation I suffered that day. And the minnv is just a country woman who has no good ideas. The minnv wants to ask Your Majesty, what does Your Majesty think should be done?" Xia Zishang raised her eyebrows and stared at Xuanyuan Lintian faintly, waiting for his answer.

Xuanyuan Lintian understood Xia Zishang's implication, his face was livid, so dark that water could almost drip, "Xia Zishang! You don't want to live anymore, how dare you force me to abdicate?!"

The furious voice was like the roar of a lion in the east of the river, and Xuanyuan Lintian's domineering aura swept out of his body, causing Zhang Defu, who was on the side, to fall limply to the ground in fright.

In contrast, Xia Zishang didn't even frown. She was like a faint lily, standing indifferently, and said with a sweet smile, "Your Majesty is serious. I just can't do things under His Majesty unless I change the emperor." Otherwise, the throne of the national teacher will be given to others voluntarily by the women of the people."

It is absolutely impossible for her to continue working for Xuanyuan Lintian.

This man does have some ability to govern the world, but from the matter of Yu Xian'er, it is enough to see that this man is not a wise king.

Xuanyuan Lintian is only suitable to be an emperor in a prosperous age, but now the Western Regions are eyeing Yanbei Kingdom covetously. Yanbei Kingdom is besieged on all sides and is in a chaotic world. Xuanyuan Lintian's ability alone is not enough to deal with it.

Instead of letting Yan Beiguo be destroyed in his hands, it is better for him to surrender as soon as possible!
"I'm going to kill you." Xuanyuan Lin's heart ached from the weather, and his face turned livid.

"Your Majesty, please calm down!" Zhang Defu was so frightened that he rushed up three steps at a time, stroked Xuanyuan Lintian's heart, and helped him to calm down.

"Your Majesty, please take good care of your health. The daughter of the people will go back and tidy up, and move out of the National Teacher's Mansion tonight." After speaking, Xia Zishang walked out of the Imperial Study Room without looking back.

"Rebellious minister! Demon girl!" Xuanyuan Lin nearly vomited blood, clutching his heart and saying these two words, then rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Zhang Defu hurriedly supported the unconscious Xuanyuan Lintian, and shouted out of the door among those who pinched him, "Come on, Your Majesty has passed out, please call the imperial physician!"

Here, Xia Zishang did what she said. After leaving the palace, she returned to the National Teacher's Mansion, and began to order her subordinates to pack their luggage, preparing to move from the National Teacher's Mansion to the house she bought before.

In the hall, Steward Huo and Lao Yang stood in front of Xia Zishang with solemn expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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