God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1886 Resigned from the post of National Teacher 1

Chapter 1886 Resigned from the post of National Teacher

"I called you two here to tell you that I have just entered the palace to meet His Majesty and resigned as a national teacher." Xia Zishang saw that neither of them showed any surprise, and the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened He said a little, "Naturally, I think you two should have guessed what happened in the palace just now since I came back and ordered my subordinates to move."

"Master, you..." Huo Butler frowned in confusion, before opening his mouth, Xia Zishang interrupted him.

"Housekeeper Huo, I'm no longer a national teacher, and you don't have to call me so respectfully." Xia Zishang said with a light smile as his eyes flickered.

However, after Huo Steward heard Xia Zishang's words, his face was full of righteousness, and his tone was beyond doubt, "That's absolutely impossible. If the subordinates recognize the master, then even if the master is no longer the national teacher, the subordinates will not be afraid of you." Master, your loyalty will not change in any way! For subordinates, in this world, only you are the master of subordinates."

"Master, what Lao Huo said is exactly what I want to say. No matter whether you are the master of the country or not, it is not that important to us. As long as we know that you are the master in our hearts, You are." After Lao Yangtou said this, he knelt down respectfully facing Xia Zishang.

"It's not just the two of us who think so. Everyone in the National Teacher's Mansion is the head of the horse and the saddle for the master. Wherever the master goes, we will go there. We will never be loyal to other people." Huo Steward said stubbornly.

Huo Steward sticks to the National Teacher's Mansion all his life, and only Xia Zishang is the identified owner.

They admire Xia Zishang, and they are willing to work under her. Even if she is no longer the national teacher, their master is still her. On this point, everyone in the national teacher's mansion is willing to continue to follow Xia Zishang without exception. Zishang left and right.

After hearing this, Xia Zishang showed a gratified smile on his face, "I am very pleased that you two can say that. However, in my opinion, Xuanyuan Lintian's throne will not last for a few days. .”

Huo Steward and Lao Yang looked at each other, and saw a little understanding from the bottom of each other's eyes.

As the king of a country, Xuanyuan Lintian listened to slander, not only doted on the ghost mother-in-law, but even used Yu Xian'er, and was played around by the people of the temple. Such an emperor is no longer worthy of ruling Yanbei Kingdom.

"We are very clear about what the master said. However, we are curious, how does the master plan to deal with the puppet army?" The two looked at Xia Zishang worriedly and asked.

Xia Zishang said without hesitation, "Naturally, I have to be responsible to the end and help the people resolve this matter."

Although Xia Zishang didn't intend to continue to be a national teacher, she would never stand by and watch this puppet army!
"We knew, Master, you will not disregard the safety of the people!" Huo Steward said excitedly, feeling more and more that his choice was right, and he really did not follow the wrong person!

"Of course. Even if I'm not a national teacher, I'm still a native of Yanbei. For my lover, my children, and everyone around me, I will be responsible to the end and deal with the puppet army, so you can rest assured. "Xia Zishang said slowly with a slight smile on her face.

"But master, how do you plan to deal with this matter?" Lao Yang said worriedly, "According to our initial calculations, there will be at least two to three thousand puppet troops swarming in at that time. What method are we going to use? Can we subdue those puppets at once?"

(End of this chapter)

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