God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1887 Moved out of the National Teacher's Mansion in a mighty way

Chapter 1887 Moved out of the National Teacher's Mansion in a mighty way

To put it bluntly, these puppet armies are innocent people controlled by corpse poison, and when they face these innocent people, they can't kill them, they can only act cautiously, while ensuring their own safety, It is also necessary to ensure the safety of the puppets, which undoubtedly makes things more difficult.

"About this matter, I've actually already thought about it." After Xia Zishang finished speaking, Yuzhi took out an object from the sleeve cage.

The exquisite six-hole jade sheng was held in Xia Zishang's hands upright, successfully attracting the attention of both of them.

Seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of both of them, Xia Zishang played with the six-hole jade xun in his hand and explained, "The six-hole jade xun itself is amazingly powerful and can control puppets, so I plan to discuss it with the owner of this thing, let She lent me the six-hole jade Xun, and it won't be too late to return it after we have resolved this crisis."

Xia Zishang had thought before that if they wanted to confront those puppets head-on, it would be really tight given the current manpower of the National Teacher's Mansion.

Therefore, the best way now is to let her use the power contained in the six-hole jade Xun to control the entire army of puppets.

"Yu Xian'er controlled about two to three hundred puppets in Kyoto before, and the number of puppet army is much higher than this, which means that master, you need to spend spiritual power to control puppets that are about more than Yu Xian'er controls. It's ten times higher than the puppet army..." Old Yang's face was unprecedentedly dignified, he watched Xia Zishang worriedly, and asked worriedly, "Master, in this way, it will consume you a lot." Small."

"I know, but there is no better way now." Xia Zishang's fingertips gently rubbed the six-hole jade Xun in his hand, and continued cautiously, "Of course, this is not a perfect solution. In order to protect the capital For all the people in the city, the two of you must build a huge protective barrier with the dead head, and protect the entire Kyoto in the barrier, so as to ensure nothing goes wrong."

"Yes, master, please rest assured." Old Yang Tou and Huo Butler nodded and agreed without hesitation.

After Xia Zishang finished explaining everything, she put her hands on the armrests under her body and stood up, "Okay, since everything has been settled, then you all pack your bags quickly, and we will move now."

Xia Zishang found it interesting to think of the expression that Xuanyuan Lintian in the palace would show when she learned that she had moved away with all the people in the National Teacher's Mansion.

Old Yangtou and Huo Butler also smiled mischievously, nodded and retreated together.

An hour later, the entire National Teacher's Mansion, from Xia Zishang to the little maids who served them, all packed their luggage. They divided into two groups, all the way to the mansion Xia Zishang bought, and all the way to the Prince's Mansion. moved out of the National Teacher's Mansion.

In the middle of the night, Xia Zishang asked Yunluo to coax the three children to sleep, while she went back to her room, locked the door, and went to the Three Realms pawn shop.

Inside the pawnshop of the Three Realms, Wangcai was looking at the store in every possible way, until he saw Xia Zishang's beautiful figure walking in the door, his eyes finally lit up, and he rushed out from the counter in three steps and walked forward. The short legs rushed forward and hugged Xia Zishang's thigh, "Master, you are here!"

(End of this chapter)

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