God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1898 Under the order of Xia Zishang, protect all the surnames in Kyoto

Chapter 1898 Under the order of Xia Zishang, protect all the people in Kyoto

However, Xia Zishang, whom the people longed for, did not appear for a long time. No matter how hysterical they begged for help and screamed, Xia Zishang seemed to have never heard of it.

This made the people present even more desperate, and their hearts were filled with guilt, and their intestines were green with regret!

If I knew this earlier, why bother!
At this moment, the common people finally realized how ignorant and ignorant they were when they questioned the national teacher. Now, even if the national teacher does not come to save them, they have nothing to say.

Everyone knew very well in their hearts that even if they escaped at this time, they would be powerless, so they all sat on the ground and waited to die for a while.

But at this time, a sharp and brutal sound suddenly came from the cold night.

The weeping people raised their heads and looked towards the sky, only to see a dazzling signal flare suddenly rising in the direction of the National Teacher's Mansion. Another loud noise exploded in the boundless night!

Dazzling patterns of wisteria flowers bloomed in the night sky, and there was a loud bang. Purple brilliance fell from the sky, covering everyone's faces, coating half of the sky in Kyoto with a deep purple layer.

The people recognized the imprint of the wisteria flower, and they were impassioned for a while, and they were all so excited, "It's the mark of the National Teacher's Mansion, and it's Xia Guoshi who came to save us!"

As soon as the voice finished speaking, dozens of figures came rushing from the vast night, just like the cheetahs that kept shuttling back and forth in the dark night, within a few breaths, they came to the gate of the city and stood on top of the surrounding buildings.

"In the name of our master, Xia Zishang, protect all the people in the capital!" Old Yang stood on the city wall, his bent back straight at this moment, his whole body intimidating, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he proudly One of them waved his hand, "Everyone listen to the order, build a boundary, and protect the capital!"

"Yes!" All the people in the City Lord's Mansion agreed with one voice, and then abided by their duties and ran towards the city gate together.

Old Yang Tou, Steward Huo and Dead Head stood on the city wall at the same time, and quickly began to build a huge enchantment that could envelop the entire Kyoto.

Seeing this scene, the people below shouted excitedly and kept calling Xia Zishang's name!

"Xia Zishang, Xia Zishang, Xia Zishang!" The loud and clear voices of the common people were like thunderclaps, and they spread a long distance in the dark night.

At the same time, on the battlefield two miles away.

"That's the signal flare of the wisteria flower, yes, it's from the National Teacher's Mansion..." Xuanyuan Su also saw the imprint of the wisteria flower blooming in the air not far away, and heard the people's enthusiasm for Xia Zishang. The call of fire.

However, Xuanyuan Su's consciousness gradually faded away with the oppressive feeling from his neck. Just when all the soldiers thought they were helpless and could not wait for rescue, a vicissitudes and ancient sound of jade xun suddenly sounded.

The sound of the jade xun slowly rippled through the world with the sound of the wind, elegant and graceful, like the sound of nature, instantly attracted the attention of everyone present.

Xuanyuan Su, who was about to lose consciousness, rolled his eyes, but unexpectedly his neck was loosened suddenly, and the puppets who wished to kill him just now seemed to be frozen.

Xuanyuan Su looked at these puppets in confusion, wondering what they wanted to do?
And these puppets stood up faintly, they left Xuanyuan Su directly, and then, as if attracted by the sound of the jade xun, they looked at the source of the music with a confused expression.

(End of this chapter)

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