God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1899 See the National Teacher

Chapter 1899 See the National Teacher
It's just that the sound of the jade xun came from all directions, and Xun Yuan couldn't find the person who played it for a while.

Not only the puppets suppressing Xuanyuan Su were attracted by the music, but the other puppets also looked blank, stopped their movements, ignored the soldiers who were almost killed by them, and stood up .

The violent look in the eyes dissipated into nothingness, and the murderous aura in the hearts of the puppets present seemed to be calmed down by the sound of the jade xun. The originally distorted expressions disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Xuanyuan Su coughed violently a few times, and then breathed greedily.

Xuanyuan Su and the soldiers present seemed to have sensed it, seeing Xia Zishang holding a six-hole jade xun.Under everyone's awed and amazed eyes, it slowly fell from the sky.

For a moment, everyone thought that what they saw was Fairy Xiaoyao who descended from Nine Heavens Profound Palace.

Xia Zishang's facial features are exquisite without any flaws, and the cold aura around her suppresses the audience. Thousands of brilliance are inadvertently flowing in her eyebrows and eyes. At this time, she came from the depths of the night, and the moonlight poured on her body, covering her body. Ripples out a piece of holy splendor.

Looking at Xia Zishang falling from the sky with great excitement, the soldiers knelt down in unison, "See Master Guoshi!"

Looking at the impassioned reactions of the surrounding soldiers, Xuanyuan Su could understand their feelings very well.

At this time, Xia Zishang looked like a high-ranking goddess to everyone. The moment she appeared, even the situation of the battle had an earth-shattering change. The situation was instantly reversed. And dull expressions, one by one seemed to be hooked by the soul, all stared blankly at Xia Zishang who fell from the sky.

The melodious sound of the jade xun lingers for a long time, such a vast sound, just listening to it, one can't help but feel a wave of turmoil, which has a miraculous effect of soothing people's hearts.

Xuanyuan Su observed meticulously and discovered that Xia Zishang had to expend a huge amount of spiritual power when blowing the jade xun.

Xuanyuan Su was not surprised by this.

He had also witnessed how Yuxian'er used the six-hole jade xun to appease the controlled puppets before, but before, Yuxian'er only controlled a hundred people at a time with the power of the six-hole jade xun, and his spiritual power was exhausted. In the end, he was exhausted and unable to move, so he was carried away by the people of the temple.

In contrast, at this time, Xia Zishang controlled more than 3000 puppets in one breath, from which it can be clearly seen how huge the difference in strength between the two is!

While being amazed, Xuanyuan Su's heart that had been hanging in his throat finally let go. He coughed lightly and stood up. His awe-inspiring gaze fell on Xia Zishang from a distance, and he quickly turned towards the soldiers around him. He ordered, "Quickly, tie up all the puppets you can control around you!"

With so many of them, they can't just stand here stupidly. Since they haven't suffered any obvious casualties, of course, they must do their best to assist Xia Zishang and make a contribution!

After hearing Xuanyuan Su's words, all the soldiers present were suddenly enlightened, and hurriedly got busy. According to Xuanyuan Su's request, they took out the ropes they carried with them, and began to tie up those dull-looking puppets.

Almost a thousand puppets were tied up soon, and the soldiers also felt a little more confident in their hearts. They were about to continue tying them, but they never thought that the air around them would suddenly shake.

(End of this chapter)

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