God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1905 Becoming the best saint in the history of the temple

Chapter 1905 Becoming the best saint in the history of the temple

There are many strong men in this world, but strong men like Xia Zishang who would rather bend than bend are extremely rare!
The saintess of the temple is above ten thousand people, no matter when, no matter where, she must never show the slightest wavering color, this kind of bearing is the key to becoming a high-ranking person!

Yue Lianxue had never been so optimistic about such a person, she looked at Xia Zishang, as if she saw her former self!
I never thought that I would find such a perfect heir. Yue Lianxue knew very well that as long as Xia Zishang's emotions and desires were cut off and cultivated properly, Xia Zishang would be able to become like herself... no, it should be Xia Zishang. Zishang will surpass her and become the best saint in the history of the temple!
Sensing the strong longing in Yue Lianxue's eyes when she was looking at her, Xia Zishang turned the blade quickly and slashed at Yue Lianxue's wrist.

The glazed silver sword came obliquely, and after Yue Lianxue let go of her palm to dodge, she popped out her hand again, and once again poked towards Xia Zishang's neck.

Without giving Yue Lianxue a chance to approach, Xia Zishang lifted the armband and swung it, and a ball of poison powder poured straight towards Yue Lianxue's face.

The iron fan in Yue Lianxue's hand turned in the air, and the cold mist swept out, freezing into ice cubes in the air. When the medicine powder was shot down, the cold mist condensed into ice sculptures and vines came straight to Xia Zishang. Quickly, Xia Zishang's body was wrapped tightly in an instant.

"Fire talisman, come out!" Quickly took out a few fire talismans from the armhole, Xia Zishang manipulated the fire that shattered the vines formed by the ice and snow, and formed a few handprints in his hand.

"The star hangs high, the Big Dipper is in front of me!" Xia Zishang finished speaking, and quickly drew a huge Big Dipper array in the air with her fingers.

Seven bright cold stars lined up, and the stars in the Milky Way sky were churning, and together with the Big Dipper, they crashed down on Yue Lianxue's head!

The hard ground was shattered by the energy, and dust flew out of the sky.

Yue Lianxue's figure was completely covered by dust, Xia Zishang never let up, raised her hand and took out all the fire talismans on her body, and was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but unexpectedly, an ice pick no bigger than a fingertip shattered the churning dust in front of her eyes, Biao shot in front of Xia Zishang.

With a whoosh, the ice pick pierced Xia Zishang's tiger's mouth, and the icy chill froze the blood that she hadn't had time to flow out. Her arms trembled from the cold, and the fire talisman in her hand fell to the ground profusely.

Knowing that Yue Lianxue was not so easy to deal with, Xia Zishang shattered her wound with a burst of spiritual power, and a large amount of blood swept out and poured on the fire talisman.

The fire talisman was full of light, and the fire lingered around Xia Zishang like a living thing, condensing into two majestic flame dragons at a speed visible to the naked eye!
The moment the fire dragon appeared, the scorching waves spread like ripples, and all the cold air floating in the air was blown away.

At this moment, the dust dissipated, and Yue Lianxue's dress was shattered, but this did not affect her beauty at all. She still stood there calmly, and then stared at Xia Zishang with admiring eyes, " Oh? You still have the strength to perform Yin-Yang Art?"

Without answering Yue Lianxue's question, Xia Zishang's whole body trembled, and said coldly, "Double dragons appear, destroy the world, come out!"

The moment the pair of dragons flew out, the blood on Xia Zishang's face disappeared instantly, and almost all the spiritual power in her body was taken away!
(End of this chapter)

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