God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1906 To force her to kneel down

Chapter 1906 To force her to kneel down

The entanglement with Yue Lianxue just now had already consumed a lot of her strength, and in addition to constructing two formations, it was enough to consume all the little spiritual power left in her body.

The twin dragons formed by the condensed flames rolled in the air, drawing a dazzling tail of fire in the air.

Feeling the hot waves of fire sweeping towards her, Yue Lianxue didn't resist this time, but raised her hand, gently shaking the iron fan in her hand.

"The shape of the ice moon, the moon lotus flower." The ruddy thin lips spit out these words gracefully, after Yue Lianxue's words fell, the ice mist spewed out of her body like a wave, and it was immediately visible to the naked eye The speed, on her left and right sides, condensed into ice sculptures of two women.

The frightening cold froze the surrounding air, and the two women made of ice sculptures folded their hands together in front of them, closed their eyes, opened their thin lips lightly, and spit out a mouthful of cold mist.

The bone-piercing cold roared, seemingly harmless, but at a speed visible to the naked eye, it froze the two flame dragons into ice.

This scene looked very strange, the blazing aura seemed to be hidden in the frozen flames, but it was completely sealed at this time, and the huge bodies of the two fire dragons were covered with a thick layer of ice and snow armor, making them unable to move .

"My dear daughter, you'd better give up obediently. You are so smart, you should know that you are not your mother's opponent." Yue Lianxue walked slowly to the two fire dragons, as if mocking Xia Zishang Usually, the slender jade finger lightly touches the fire dragon,
"Really?" Xia Zishang's phoenix eyes were astonishingly bright, and she sneered.

The smile in Yue Lianxue's eyes disappeared completely, she was alert in her heart, and heard the clear sound of ice cracking!
Turning her head to look at the fire dragon beside her, Yue Lianxue watched the ice shatter, and the fiery flames hit her like a wave accompanied by the sound of the dragon's howl!

Fiery fire waves swarmed in, and the dazzling firelight almost illuminated the sky like daytime!
Almost at the same time, Xia Zishang felt a huge energy fluctuation coming from behind him.

Turning her head and looking behind her, Xia Zishang saw a huge formation suddenly appearing in the sky above the capital, and a large piece of spiritual power turned into crystal threads, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, a huge formation formed in the sky above the capital. Enchantment!

The thick barrier is as solid as a rock, with colorful cold light glowing on the surface. At this time, the barrier is like an inverted semicircle, protecting the entire capital of Kyoto.

The heart hanging in her throat fell before Xia Zishang let out a breath. The flames that had trapped Yuelianxue in front of her were like a bursting ball, and there was a sound of explosion!
The aftermath of the flame spread out, bombarding Xia Zishang heavily, knocking her into the air!
After a turn in the air, Xia Zishang was able to stabilize his figure. Xia Zishang looked at the figure walking out of the billowing smoke.

"You are so courageous, you still don't kneel down to this deity!" Yue Lianxue's beautiful voice concealed boundless murderous intent, like the death talisman sent from the depths of hell, the moment she spoke at this moment, the world shook.

The horrified hostility pressed on Xia Zishang's shoulders, as if to force her to kneel down!
Xia Zishang, who was oppressed by the terrifying aura, could hardly breathe, but she still stood there with a stubborn face, letting Yue Lianxue's breath oppress her body, and still stubbornly staring at the furious Yue Lianxue, seeing Yue Lianxue's figure stepped out of the billowing black smoke and appeared in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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