Chapter 1915

I saw groups of puppet troops on the official road, with no end in sight at a glance. Such a weird scene was shocking to watch. They walked calmly and powerfully, and every step seemed to be beating on Xuanyuan Su's heart, making him His face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, "How could this be? Could it be that Master Guoshi lost?"

"Absolutely impossible." Amo's expression became serious all of a sudden, and the piggy eyes showed a monstrous murderous look, "You are not allowed to underestimate my junior brother."

Xuanyuan Su was surprised by the hostility around Amo, he remained silent, but looked at Amo, as if he didn't expect that Amo would trust Xia Zishang without hesitation.

"The puppet army is coming in menacingly, don't underestimate it, let's go, let's go out of the city to fight." The dead head said without hesitation.

"Everyone listen to the order and go out to fight!" Huo Steward gave an order, and the hidden guards who had been trying to repair the barrier stopped at the same time, and everyone rushed out from the spot without hesitation, and then Together with Steward Huo and the others, they rushed out of the barrier and came outside the city, planning to fight!
Everyone didn't care about their own safety, and the backs of them rushed out at this time without any hesitation, which made the faces of the people present show awe.

Especially Xuanyuan Su, the expression on his face changed quickly, and then he immediately lowered his head to look at the soldiers who had recovered from their senses below, "All the soldiers obey the order and fully cooperate with the people in the National Teacher's Mansion. Stop the puppet army before the barrier collapses!"

"Yes!" All the soldiers got up, and rushed out towards the open city gate at the same time. Each of them had fierceness written on their faces, and they came to the city gate at the same time with the determination of success or benevolence. Ahead, stand ready!
As the puppet army got closer, the sound of their patchwork footsteps became more obvious, as if hitting everyone's shoulders, making everyone look vigilant.

And just when the puppet army was about to arrive in front of everyone, Lao Yang felt a strange aura clearly.

Immediately raised his head and looked up to the sky, Old Yang was shocked and said, "Look at the barrier!"

The people present looked towards the barrier gap at the same time, seeing that the cold mist that was still rolling in the air disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye until it became invisible with the wind.

Everyone never expected that the cold mist that was so strong that they were completely inaccessible just now would suddenly disappear at this moment, and they were deeply shocked for a while.

What is the situation of this cold mist? How can it come and go?
It's just that everyone didn't have time to worry about this matter.

However, this scene still relieved everyone's hearts that had been hanging in their throats!

Although they don't know why, the disappearance of the cold fog is a great thing for them, and they should be happy!

In this way, they will be able to deal with the puppets in front of them without any worries!

In the real last stand, when everyone was nervous, those puppets finally got close enough that everyone could see their appearance in the dim surrounding environment!
They were all ready to attack at first, but at this moment, everyone realized that these puppets had dull faces, which were in stark contrast to the murderous look just now, and everyone present couldn't help but feel shocked when they saw this scene. I couldn't help being stunned.

What's happening here?
"Mr. Yang, senior brother, dead head, Housekeeper Huo." Xia Zishang's voice sounded like a silver bell in the sky, causing everyone's eyes to sweep in her direction.

(End of this chapter)

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