God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1916 It's really a goofy pig spirit

Chapter 1916 What a nonsense pig spirit
I saw the puppet army obediently stopped their steps, and then separated automatically, making way for a path.

The three of Xia Zishang came side by side and appeared in the sight of everyone.

Never expecting this scene to happen, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Old Tie Xia, what the hell are you doing?" Dead Head couldn't laugh or cry, "You have already manipulated these puppets, why can't you tell us in advance! Look, you scared us, the souls are all scared!" Almost flew out!"

"My communication stone was accidentally broken by me, so I didn't bother to contact you." Xia Zishang's communication stone was frozen by the cold mist when she was fighting with Yue Lianxue just now. She took it out just now and saw the communication stone. Shi was already frozen to slag, so she had no choice but to return directly with the puppet army.

"Brother! Brother!" Amo went straight to Xia Zishang with aggrievedness, and then threw himself into her arms shamelessly without saying a word, and then rubbed back and forth vigorously, "Brother, can you Scared me, I thought you were eaten by a puppet!"

Xuanyuan Su on the side heard the words: "..."

What a pig spirit who likes to talk nonsense, did he just know that he has a lot of momentum?It's good now, as soon as I saw the box, I started to pretend to be pitiful and innocent.

However, Amo just lay in Xia Zishang's arms for a while, and the fat on the back of his neck was grabbed by someone, and then he was pulled by the flesh and forced to separate from Xia Zishang forcibly .

Puzzled, he raised his head and looked at the person in front of him. Amo happened to meet Xuanyuan Yelan's cold face.

At this time, the back of the neck was pinched by Xuanyuan Yelan, and Amo twisted his body extremely restlessly, struggling to fight against Xuanyuan Yelan, "Stinky man, what are you doing?!"

Xuanyuan Yelan threw Amo aside casually, and then looked at Xia Zishang, "Is it always like it was just now?"

Xia Zishang saw that this person was struggling in the boundless sea of ​​jealousy, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "Only once in a while."

"Wow, you man is so stingy!" Amo looked at Xuanyuan Yelan dissatisfiedly, and the eyes that stared at him could be described as disgusting to the extreme, "I really can't figure out how jealous and narrow-minded you are, what does my junior brother look at?" What happened to you!"

When Amo said this, his words were a little resentful, and his eyes were full of reluctance when he looked at Xia Zishang.

Why did Xuanyuan Yelan give such a good cabbage to him?Moreover, it was arched twice, which is really sad to think about.

"Okay, brother, don't be angry." Xia Zishang reached out and poked Amo's piggy face, "I encountered some troubles just now, thanks to the two of them who came to help me, nothing serious happened."

"What's the matter, don't you have a six-hole jade xun?" The dead head said, the only possibility popped up in his heart, then he approached Xia Zishang, and asked tentatively, "Could it be because of those things just now?" Because of the ice fog?"

Looking at Xuanyuan Su who was walking towards them quickly at this time, Xia Zishang immediately cleared his throat, signaling the dead man to stop talking.

The dead head understood, and then closed his mouth very cooperatively.

"Master National Teacher, fortunately you are fine!" Seeing Xia Zishang who was safe and sound, Xuanyuan Su finally let go of the heart that had been hanging in his throat, turned around and bowed to Xuanyuan Yelan, " See His Royal Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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