God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1923 From today onwards, you are the new emperor of our Yanbei Kingdom

Chapter 1923 From today onwards, you are the new emperor of our Yanbei Kingdom

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of everyone, a pair of Bi people climbed up the nine steps, and then stood firmly in front of Xuanyuan Lintian.

Zhang Defu has already brought a golden box, and the Chuan Guo Yuxi is placed in it, representing rights and status!

How many people are crazy about the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, under the admiration of everyone, Xuanyuan Lintian personally took over the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and then put it into Xuanyuan Yelan's hands steadily, "Xuanyuan Yelan, since From today onwards, you are the new emperor of our Yanbei Kingdom, you must be kind to your siblings and the common people, and you must not disappoint my expectations of you."

"Father, don't worry, my son will remember it in his heart." Xuanyuan Yelan took over the Chuanguo Yuxi while speaking.

The box containing the jade seal is extraordinarily heavy, this small jade seal carries too much responsibility and glory, and from the moment he gets it, Xuanyuan Yelan is the new emperor of Yanbei Kingdom!
"See Your Majesty, long live your majesty, long live your majesty." All civil and military officials knelt down at the same time and said in unison.

Holding the Jade Seal of Chuanguo in his hand, Xuanyuan Yelan's calm eyes did not show the slightest wave. He looked down on all the officials and stood above ten thousand people!
"I am enthroned today, and I still have some good news to tell you dear friends." As Xuanyuan Yelan spoke, his cold gaze slowly swept over everyone present.

With the support of Zhang Defu, Xuanyuan Lintian sat down firmly on the golden stool next to the dragon chair. He didn't even raise his head, because he had already guessed what Xuanyuan Yelan would say next.

The ministers below all raised their heads upon hearing the words, and looked at Xuanyuan Yelan together.

"I want to canonize Chang'er as the only queen of Yanbei Kingdom, and hold a grand wedding on April [-]." After Xuanyuan Yelan finished speaking, the love in her eyes was as soft as water, and she squeezed Xia Zishang's hand even harder.

The two looked at each other with an indescribable affection.

Xia Zishang just felt full of joy, she had never felt so happy.

Xuanyuan Yelan had told her before that he would use Jiangshan as an offer to marry her.

But today, Xuanyuan Yelan really did it.

April [-]th was her birthday, Yun Yan must have chosen that day specially, wanting to put on her wedding dress on her birthday.

Xuanyuan Yelan's words were expected by all the officials, and everyone began to congratulate with winks.

Among all the ministers, there was only one who refused to accept.

"How is this possible!" Xuanyuan Qingfeng's harsh voice rang out, breaking the originally harmonious atmosphere among the crowd.

"Third Emperor Brother, don't talk nonsense!" Xuanyuan Su gave Xuanyuan Qingfeng a warning look, as if looking at a useless fool.

The honor of the emperor, once a word is spoken, it is hard to follow!
This is Xuanyuan Yelan's first will after becoming the new emperor. Is Xuanyuan Qingfeng tired?How dare you jump out and refute?
What kind of onion is he, who can influence His Majesty's mind? !

Sure enough, Xuanyuan Yelan's aura was as cold as ice, and the temperature in the hall suddenly dropped to freezing point. Everyone was shivering from the cold, and they all hoped that Xuanyuan Qingfeng would shut up quickly!
Under the eyes of everyone, Xuanyuan Qingfeng was on the verge of riding a tiger. He didn't dare to meet Xuanyuan Yelan's eyes that almost froze him, and said bravely, "I, what I said is right, which one of the queens of our Yanbei Kingdom was not born Noble family, Xia Zishang is just a commoner, with no identity and background, there are many women who are better than her..."

(End of this chapter)

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