God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1924 A perfect match made in heaven

Chapter 1924 A perfect match made in heaven

"Third Emperor Brother!" Xuanyuan Su didn't expect Xuanyuan Qingfeng to be so stupid. He hurriedly wanted to stop him from talking nonsense, but unexpectedly, a majestic spiritual power roared over, pressing heavily on Xuanyuan Qingfeng's body!
Without even a chance to scream, Xuanyuan Su's knees went limp, and he vomited out a big mouthful of blood as he knelt on the ground!

This bloody scene frightened everyone present to turn pale!
Among them, is there anyone who doesn't know Xuanyuan Yelan's methods?
This man is ruthless and ruthless, but it is difficult for anyone who offends him to die. They are all tortured by him to the point of insanity, and in the end they cannot survive.

He ascended to the throne step by step, and as a prince, the combined strength of Xuanyuan Qingfeng and others can hardly match his shoulders. If anyone wants to mention the new emperor, he will be frightened into a cold sweat.

It is Xuanyuan Qingfeng who has no brains, and will take the initiative to provoke Xuanyuan Yelan!
Everyone was silent, and no one dared to intercede for Xuanyuan Qingfeng. Everyone lowered their heads, for fear that they would become a fish in the pond.

"New emperor, don't be so angry, I think what the third brother said has some truth." Xuanyuan Lintian said quietly at this time.

None of the people present, including Xuanyuan Qingfeng, who kept vomiting blood, expected that Xuanyuan Lintian would speak.

Moreover, hearing what Xuanyuan Lintian meant, he was actually talking to Xuanyuan Qingfeng?

Everyone was astonished, wondering what Xuanyuan Lintian was trying to do?
Xia Zishang remained calm, her gaze fell lightly on Xuanyuan Lintian's body.

She didn't think that a person like Xuanyuan Lintian who knows how to retreat is the only way to protect an idiot like Xuanyuan Qingfeng.

Sure enough, Xuanyuan Lintian didn't wait for Xuanyuan Qingfeng to be happy, and said with a light smile, "Miss Xia is the pillar of the country, how can she be nameless? Today I invite Miss Xia to take up the post of national teacher again."

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Qingfeng's originally bright eyes were filled with despair.

The ministers breathed a sigh of relief, and they were not surprised.

Now that Xia Zishang is what the people want, it is reasonable for Xuanyuan Lintian to obey the people's will.

I knew that Xuanyuan Lintian was not an idiot, but this time, Xia Zishang did not refuse, but lightly raised the corners of her lips, and readily agreed, "The Supreme Emperor's kindness, I should accept it, thank you for the great kindness of the Supreme Emperor."

This time, Xuanyuan Qingfeng in the audience directly rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth with anger. He never expected that his words not only failed to provoke, but in the end, they went around in a big circle, and instead gave Xia Zishang It was a great help!

In this way, the most honorable Majesty of Yanbei Kingdom wants to marry the second most honorable national teacher of Yanbei Kingdom, and they will become a perfect match in a match made in heaven.

For a while, there were constant congratulations in the hall.

After dealing with the ministers, Xuanyuan Yelan left the court, and immediately announced the news of the wedding to the world.

Immediately, there were constant discussions among the people, and the common people all agreed with this marriage, and everyone was looking forward to the grand occasion of the wedding day of the new emperor and empress.

At the same time, the three little buns lived in the Liuli Palace in the palace with Xia Zishang.

The Liuli Palace is surrounded by picturesque scenery, and it is the most beautiful palace in the palace. It was also built by Xuanyuan Lintian specially for her when the real Yun Suxian was favored.

However, Yun Suxian had almost never lived in the Liuli Palace because of excessive extravagance and panic.

(End of this chapter)

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