God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1930 I'm not angry.

Chapter 1930 I'm not angry.

For a while, I couldn't describe my wonderful mood in words, so Xia Zishang fell into a deep silence.

In Xuanyuan Yelan's eyes, Xia Zishang's reaction looked very angry...

Xuanyuan Yelan explained anxiously, "Shang'er, don't be angry, I really didn't deliberately hide it from you..."

"I'm not angry." Xia Zishang replied immediately.

Xuanyuan Yelan didn't believe it at all. Seeing Xia Zishang's expressionless face, the cold sweat was even more fierce.

Xia Zishang didn't seem to notice what was wrong with Xuanyuan Yelan, she said calmly, "Don't rush to draw conclusions, do you have any evidence to prove what you said is true?"

Looking at Xia Zishang's expression, Xuanyuan Yelan felt that the guilt in his heart was like a wave, almost swallowing him up, "Yes, my subordinates brought mother-child Gu from the Holy Land of Northern Xinjiang, and all they need is a drop of blood from the children. can be verified.”

"Well, then let's go find the children." Xia Zishang just wanted to quickly confirm the truth of the matter. After the words fell, he strode towards the door without noticing that Xuanyuan Yelan was full of uneasiness. expression.

Xuanyuan Yelan had no choice but to speed up her pace, took the mother-child Gu, and went to the Liuli Palace with Xia Zishang, and found the children in the back garden.

The garden is full of spring, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

It's just that Xuanyuan Yelan followed Xia Zishang all the way, feeling very uneasy in his heart, and really didn't have the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Just when Xuanyuan Yelan was getting more and more worried, the three little buns found the two of them, and ran over happily, "Daddy, mother!"

Xia Zishang watched the three children coming to her like larks, and a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "My dears, I have something to do, I want to ask you for help."

"Mother, just say it, we are willing to help with anything." Qing Mo said without hesitation.

Xia Zishang showed a gratified smile, raised his hand and gently stroked the heads of the three children, and said with a chuckle, "The thing is, your father has inherited the great rule, and someone in the court asked for your blood. Verify identity, can you help daddy?"

"Of course, Daddy, how much do you want?" Yun Yu rolled up her sleeves and asked very generously.

Seeing Yun Yu's posture, Xuanyuan Yelan couldn't laugh or cry, "One drop for each person is enough."

The three children nodded upon hearing the words, and then stretched out their fingers at the same time.

"Come on." Xia Zishang couldn't bear to watch the scene where the children's fingers were pricked by needles.

As the saying goes, the pain lies in the child's body and the mother's heart. As a mother, the most difficult thing for her is to see her children get hurt.

So, Xia Zishang had no choice but to turn her head away, as if she couldn't see anything.

However, Xia Zishang didn't know that her behavior fell into Xuanyuan Yelan's eyes and became an escape.

Xuanyuan Yelan's heart turned cold, and she felt that she was in a catastrophe.

"Fairy Daddy, hurry up." Qingcheng was afraid of the pain, but she still wanted to help Daddy, and only hoped that Fairy Daddy would do it quickly, otherwise her little heart would hang in her throat, which would be really disturbing oh!

After being reminded by Qingcheng, Xuanyuan Yelan came back to his senses, then raised his hand and pierced Qingcheng's fingertip, squeezed a drop of blood with distress, and dropped it into the crystal box containing the worm Gu.

 Begging for a monthly ticket, crying, haw, there are very few monthly tickets recently, so heartbroken~~
(End of this chapter)

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