God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1931 It's all about daddy's fault, making your mother angry

Chapter 1931 It's all about daddy's fault, making your mother angry

"Does it hurt?" Xuanyuan Yelan felt sorry for her daughter, raised her hand, and gently touched Qingcheng's little head to comfort her.

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all, it's like being bitten by a little ant." Qingcheng was afraid that Xuanyuan Yelan would feel guilty, so he quickly comforted her.

Looking at her daughter who is as cute as a porcelain doll, Xuanyuan Yelan's heart softened. She quickly took out the ointment, applied the wound on Qingcheng, and then called her two sons, and then used the same method to treat the two sons. His blood also dripped on Zi Chong Gu's body.

After applying medicine to the wounds of her two sons, Xuanyuan Yelan pricked her own fingertips, and then dripped her drop of blood on the mother worm Gu.

Only then did Xia Zishang look towards Xuanyuan Yelan.

Although she has never used mother-child Gu before, she has heard about it a long time ago.

Mother and child Gu can verify whether there is the closest blood relationship between the child and the parents. If there is, the mother insect Gu will summon the child insect Gu, and if there is no blood relationship between them, then the mother and child Gu will turn into A pool of blood disappeared.

Under the gazes of Xia Zishang and Xuanyuan Yelan, the mother insect Gu suddenly moved.

However, the finger-sized female insect Gu seemed to wake up, slowly stretched its body, and then let out a cry from its throat, "Chi Chi Chi——"

Seeing this scene, Xia Zishang couldn't help but move.

As soon as the mother worm Gu made a sound, the child worm Gu in the crystal box was awakened, and then a pair of small wings grew slowly from the back, and flew towards the direction of the mother worm Gu.

As if tightly protecting her child, the mother worm Gu put away her body, hugged all three child worms into her arms, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

"Wow, they are so cute." Qingcheng said in amazement watching this loving scene.

"Shang'er." Her guess was confirmed, but Xuanyuan Yelan had no time to be happy, but raised her head and looked in the direction where Xia Zishang was.

Not to mention Xia Zishang's mood, she just recalled the scene just now, and her heart was complicated.

It's true, she and Yun Yan are really the biological parents of the three children.

Shocking facts that had never been thought of were clearly placed in front of Xia Zishang, making her heart full of complexity, and she still felt a little unbelievable.

Not sure whether she was more happy or more surprised, Xia Zishang was in mixed emotions, the only thing that was certain was that she was not angry.

The people she loves the most are all connected by the magical red thread of blood. This feeling cannot be described in words.

It's just that all of this happened too fast, which made Xia Zishang feel so sudden, and caught her off guard.

"I want to be quiet by myself." Xia Zishang said after thinking about it.

"Mother, where are you going?" Qing Mo always felt that the atmosphere between father and mother was not quite right, he watched mother leave, and then looked at the bewildered father anxiously, "Daddy, what are you doing?" Did you make your mother angry?"

Xuanyuan Yelan smiled wryly and nodded, "It's all because of my father's fault, which made your mother angry."

"Daddy, don't be so sad, mother is actually very soft-hearted, you must admit your mistakes, mother will definitely forgive you." Yun Yu quickly comforted.

"Then should we go after mother now?" Qingcheng realized that her mother was angry. After she said this, she asked uncertainly, "Mother said she wanted to stay by herself for a while, we now Will she be even angrier if she catches up?"

(End of this chapter)

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