God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1932 You must coax your mother well at night

Chapter 1932 You must coax your mother well at night

Qingcheng's question can be said to hit the soul directly. The father and son stopped immediately after hearing the words, and they all felt that what Qingcheng said made sense.

For a moment, the four of them fell into a deep silence at the same time.

In the end, it was Qing Mo who looked at Xuanyuan Yelan with some uncertainty, and said, "Daddy, why don't we persuade mother first? You can go to mother tonight and show yourself well."

"Yes, Daddy, you must coax mother well at night." Yun Yu nodded in agreement.

Qingcheng even stretched out her fleshy little hand, and gently hooked Xuanyuan Yelan's finger, "Daddy, we will help you this time, next time you don't want to make your mother angry again."

Xuanyuan Yelan nodded like pounding garlic, and agreed without hesitation, "Don't worry."

Only then were the three little buns satisfied, and they quickly joined hands and chased after their mother.

The children originally thought that Xia Zishang had left in a huff. They spent half an hour walking around the surrounding palaces without finding their own mother, until they finally returned to the dormitory to rest. , only to find out that their mother hadn't gone out from the beginning, but had been in the dormitory all the time!

In the dormitory, Xia Zishang sat in front of the bed, forming a picture of himself, looking deeply at the floating dust in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing Mother's 'sad' look, the three children looked at each other in blank dismay.

How can this be done?Mother looks like she is really angry!
Regardless of their tiredness, the three little buns hurried to Xia Zishang's side, and then raised their heads to look at her.

"Didn't the three of you play in the back garden?" Xia Zishang reached out and touched the children's cheeks, "Why are you back all of a sudden?"

"Of course I'm tired from playing, mother, what are you doing?" Qingcheng obediently lay on Xia Zishang's lap, and asked in a soft and cute voice.

"Mother is packing her luggage." Xia Zishang said as a matter of course.

The smiles on the corners of the three little buns' mouths froze at the same time, and alarm bells rang out in their hearts!

packing luggage?Oh my god, mother is leaving!
The three little buns were so frightened that they didn't want to. Only then did they realize that the development of the matter was obviously more serious than they had imagined. Arm, "Mother, why are you leaving?"

"I have some things to do, I have to go back to Taoyuan Village, and I can relax by the way." I really feel that this time is too busy, Xia Zishang wants to relax, "Mother has also prepared luggage for you , you go with your mother."

"Okay...Mother, why don't we ask Dad to go with us?" Qing Mo suggested cautiously.

Who knew that after hearing this, Xia Zishang shook her head without hesitation and rejected the children's proposal, "No, we won't take your father with us this time."

It was the busiest time for the new emperor to ascend the throne. She went back this time just to meet her eldest brother and sister-in-law, and to ask Xia Guangqing about Yue Lianxue, and these things were actually just trivial things, so there was no need to let Yun Yan took time out of his busy schedule to accompany her.

When the three little buns heard this, they were all flustered.

It's over, it's over, it seems that the situation is serious!
"Mother, I'll go tell daddy, and then we'll set off." Yun Yu said with an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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