God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1962 April 4th, the wedding day

Chapter 1962 April [-]th, the wedding day

Everyone in the government and the public knows that Xia Zishang is not easy to provoke. Once it is something she decides, it is impossible to change it no matter what.

Xuanyuan Yelan didn't want to marry someone else, like the Yun family in the court, there were not a few people who wanted to start with Xia Zishang and stuff their daughters into the palace.

It's just that they didn't think about it, who is Xia Zishang?

She is a strange woman who ascended to the position of national teacher on her own.

How can such a powerful woman tolerate other women coming to share her man with her?

Xia Zishang is not only unwilling, but also wants to let everyone in the world know that as long as she is alive, no one can dream of getting her Xia Zishang!

Otherwise, it would be their end for the Yin family and the two arrogant and expensive young ladies of the Yun family.

General Yun is undoubtedly the most angry in the ruling and opposition parties, but if Xia Zishang didn't send a reward, then he can find an excuse and quickly bring back his wife and daughter, but Xia Zishang's move directly made him feel ashamed. His little thoughts were broken, and General Yun was so angry that he was about to smoke, but there was nothing he could do about Xia Zishang!

And after Xia Zishang killed the chickens to warn the monkeys, no one in the court dared to have any bad thoughts, and the attitude towards Xia Zishang was all respectful, and no one dared to propose to send the female family members into the palace. one thing.

Xia Zishang indeed spent two days of quiet life, carefully preparing for the big wedding.

A few days later, April sixteenth.

In the late spring, the falling flowers are colorful, and the sky is so clear today, it seems that even God is celebrating this great day.

On the day of the wedding, Xuanyuan Yelan issued a decree to announce to the world that Xia Zishang was the only official wife in his harem in this life, and he only took one scoop of three thousand weak waters to drink. Xia Zishang was not only his queen, but also The love of his life, his life, only her.

With this decree, many young girls feel heartbroken.

However, while heartbroken, the girls were also envious and sighed in their hearts. After all, His Majesty is deeply affectionate, and the relationship with the Queen can be learned from time to time, and it should be passed down as a good story.

At noon, ten miles of red makeup adorned the whole of Kyoto. A long road paved with red flowers stretched from the Liuli Palace to the National Teacher’s Mansion. The sixteen-carried phoenix sedan chairs were painted with gold and colorful colors, so that people almost felt like dying just by looking at them. His eyes were dazzled.

The gate of the National Teacher's Mansion was surrounded by common people, all of them were smiling, and they kept looking around at this time, and they couldn't wait to see Xia Zishang, who was loved by thousands of people.

In the National Teacher's Mansion, Xia Zishang was sitting in front of the dressing table to make up.

Quietly watching herself in the mirror, Xia Zishang showed a satisfied smile.

Beside Xia Zishang, Wen's grinning from ear to ear, put his hands lightly on her shoulders, and said with a joyful smile, "Our Chang'er is so beautiful. Miss Yunluo, Miss Chunyu, what do you say?" Yes or no?"

Yunluo and Chunyu were holding a jade bracelet in one hand, and the other was holding a Ruyi lock, and they put these two things on Xia Zishang.

Wearing a phoenix glow and a phoenix crown, Xia Zishang seldom dresses up so grandly, but she who is usually glamorous and glamorous, now she is so well-dressed that she is even more shocking and shocking. Staring at her, he couldn't help but breathe lightly, for fear that he would accidentally startle this dreamlike beauty.

Chunyi exclaimed, "Our wife is so beautiful!"

Yunluo looked at Chunyi, and sighed helplessly, "Look at you, why did you make a mistake again?"

(End of this chapter)

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