Chapter 1963
"Chunyu, do you think I have told you how many times? Now you should not be called madam, but empress." Yunluo's eyebrows were shining, she looked at Xia Zishang, and couldn't help admiring, " Empress, you must be the most beautiful bride in the world."

Xia Zishang smiled slightly when he heard the words, and that laughter was more like a spring breeze overnight, wrinkling people's hearts and making people even more amazing, "If you praise me again, I will be praised to the sky by you."

Wen looked at Xia Zishang with joy in his heart, and tears of emotion leaked from the corners of his eyes.

Wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief, Wen's gently took Xia Zishang's hand, "Shang'er, since you call me sister-in-law, I will always be your natal family, sister-in-law hopes that you will marry me in the future." You can be happy. Your elder brother and I don’t always stay by your side. You must take good care of yourself. If you are tired, you can go home and rest at any time. Don’t take risks like you used to. , always force yourself. Got it?"

Wen's words are sincere and sincere, without any selfishness, but purely for the good of Xia Zishang, and hope that she will be carefree all her life.

How could Xia Zishang not understand Wen's intentions? She also gently took Wen's hand and said with a slight smile, "Sister-in-law, I remember everything."

"That's good." Wen's eyes were red, she reached out and touched Xia Zishang's small face, "Okay, the auspicious time has come, let's go."

"Yeah." Xia Zishang nodded, seeing Chunyu and Yunluo holding up the beautifully embroidered hijab and gently covering her face, and then the two wearing light red clothes stood on the left and the right. Xia Zishang's side grabbed her hands and helped her stand up.

"My lady, get up and drive—"

After Yunluo finished speaking, the two supported Xia Zishang and walked all the way to the door.

With a red hijab covering her face, everything in front of Xia Zishang's eyes was covered with a layer of eye-catching red. At this moment, she saw the closed door being slowly pushed open, and then all the family members she cared about stood at the door. outside.

The first thing that came into view was the smiles of the three children. They all looked at Xia Zishang happily and exclaimed again and again.

"Wow, mother is so beautiful!" Qingcheng, who was wearing a pink skirt, had joy written on her chubby face, staring at Xia Zishang in amazement, and said from the bottom of her heart.

"Mother, you are so beautiful today." Qing Mo looked at his mother's appearance with a smile, even his brows and eyes were crooked, almost imprinting Xia Zishang's stunning beauty in his heart.

"Big brother and younger sister are right. Mother is usually pretty, but today she is even more beautiful." Yun Yu put her arms around the shoulders of her elder brother and younger sister respectively, and said happily at this time.

Their mother is indeed the most beautiful woman in the world, no one can compare to their mother!

Seeing the cute expressions of these three little guys, Xia Zishang was feeling happy when the exclamation of the dead head followed closely in front of him.

"My old Tie Xia is so beautiful!" The dead head quickly touched Amo beside him, forcing it to express its opinion quickly, "Little piggy, do you think I'm right?"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth It's so good, it's really cheap for that kid Xuanyuan Yelan. Master, do you think I'm right?"

(End of this chapter)

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