God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1983 Spicy Eyes

Chapter 1983 Spicy Eyes

"Your fleshy baby?" Qingcheng heard this greasy address, so disgusting that her goosebumps almost fell off.

The dead man said that he hit Gao Yunshan just now, the "flesh baby" that the proprietress mentioned, could it be Gao Yunshan?
I have to say that the guess of the dead head was really accurate. As soon as the proprietress showed up, Gao Yunshan leaned up pitifully, hugged the proprietress' thigh, and started crying, "Sweet baby, this ugly monster bullied me!" , you have to call the shots for me!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Yunshan still felt aggrieved and leaned his head on the proprietress's lap. In that way, Dead Head and Qingcheng just took a look, and all the goosebumps fell off their bodies, and they were disgusted enough.

Flesh baby first, then sweet baby?Could these two be any more sloppy?

Taking a step back, if these two were handsome and beautiful, they might not look so eye-catching.

But the proprietress is old enough to be Gao Yunshan's old lady, which seems really weird.

Gao Yunshan seemed to really regard the proprietress as his mother, with his fingers wrapped around his mouth at this moment, he raised his head and waited for the old lady to vent his anger on him.

When the other people present saw this scene, they averted their eyes tacitly, as if they didn't see anything.

Gao Yunshan's preferences are very special and extreme. He usually likes five or six-year-old girls, but he also likes six or seventy-year-old mothers. He always says that only these two types of women are his favorites.

Therefore, everyone is not surprised by it, and is used to it.

Dead Head and Qing Chenghe couldn't get used to such a shocking scene, they saw the proprietress brought a hundred masters, and they were a little wary for a while.

There are so many masters present, if they fight hard, they will suffer in the end.

In this case, there is only one last way left.

The dead head took Qingcheng's little hand, clenched it tightly, and roared without saying a word, "Go! Run!"

Qingcheng hurriedly followed the dead head's pace, and the speed of the two was as fast as a gust of wind, and they rushed straight to the gate.

"Give it all to me, stop those two bastards!" The proprietress yelled extremely loudly with flames of anger in her eyes when she thought of her little lover being bullied.

The big hands swarmed from all directions, like a group of evil spirits, they couldn't wait to devour Qingcheng and the dead heads.

"Look at mine, stinky talisman!" The dead man's voice fell, he took out four talismans from his bosom, and then went straight to east, west, north, south and threw them.

After the spiritual power of the dead head was infused into the spells, all the four spells floated in the air.

"My God! This man is a wizard, he is a wizard from the Central Plains!" The thugs shouted loudly, who was the first to speak.

At that moment, the words stirred up waves, and everyone present was amazed.

The sorcerers in the Western Regions are yin and yang magicians. However, there are very few wizards in the Western Regions who can practice spell formations, so the status of wizards is very high in the Western Regions. Divide into thin noodles.

Both the proprietress and Gao Yunshan were a little depressed.

Their enemy turned out to be a wizard?Wouldn't it be impossible to move?

Just when everyone was afraid of the terrible spell that the dead head would throw, the four hanging spells exploded in full view of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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