God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1984 Don't let that little girl go!

Chapter 1984 Don't let that little girl go!
Seeing that these people were taken by the way he could use spells, the dead man rolled his eyes cunningly, and suddenly had an extremely evil idea.

After clearing his throat, Dead Head yelled, "Everyone, take a deep breath!"

Wizards have a very high status in the Western Regions, so after the dead head finished speaking, all the people present couldn't help but took a deep breath.

And the stench contained in those four spells was also completely exuded at this time, as if it exploded in the air, and the stench was blowing towards the face.

Preferring to be dead, all the people present were fooled by the dead man's head and suddenly sucked in a breath. Immediately, the strong stench poured into the nostrils, almost choking everyone present to death!
Some people present with poor endurance simply bent over and vomited crazily. What's more, they rolled their eyes wildly and fell to the ground foaming at the mouth.

It stinks, it really stinks!

No one could understand why there was such a strong stench in this world, and everyone was so smoked that they wished they could faint!

"Hahahaha, I laughed to death, I really laughed to death!" The dead man's hair let out a heartless laugh, and its stomach hurt from laughing.

What a bunch of idiots. Tell them to take a deep breath, but they actually take a deep breath. How can this be a stupid word?

The appearance of the dead head who deserves a beating makes people feel resentful, and everyone can't wait to pounce on him now, and smash him to ashes!
"Catch, catch him! He's not a wizard at all! He's a liar!" The proprietress raised her hand tremblingly, pointing at the dead man over here with a headache and cursing.

Is there any wizard like Dead Head?It's really, really shameful to use stinky farts to smoke people without using serious tricks!

The thugs in Persian Workshop stood up amidst the strong stench. They were really angry this time, raised their hands and swung their fists, and went straight to smash the dead man's head.

The dead head didn't want to confront these people head-on. It dodged a fist, and then watched several fists hit it in unison.

It's just that after the dead man's head was hit on the body, he still looked calm, listening to those people clasping their hands and wailing without any reaction.

Gao Yunshan got angry when he saw the embarrassing expression of the dead head, and said angrily, "Don't hit his body, hit his face!"

With Gao Yunshan's order, the fists of three or four people pierced through the air and landed on the dead man's face.

Immediately, the dead man's head was beaten into panda eyes, and even two bright red nosebleeds drooped from his nostrils!

Looking at his own broken nose in disbelief, the dead head realized that these people were really beating to death, so he put oil on the soles of his feet, and hurriedly pulled Qingcheng and rushed out.

"There's that little girl, don't let that little girl go!" Gao Yunshan was still thinking about Qingcheng, and hurriedly shouted at his subordinates.

"Little girl, come here!" The closest to Qingcheng was a man with scars all over his face. At this time, with an evil smile on his face, he stretched out his rough palm and moved towards Qingcheng.

Qingcheng screamed out of subconscious fear, "I hate it, don't come here!"

Looking at Qingcheng's small appearance, the thug only thought it was funny, and he didn't think that a little girl's attack could cause him any substantial harm.

It's just a yellow-haired girl who hasn't even grown hair yet, so what's the big deal if I get punched by her?
(End of this chapter)

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