God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1992 cut off the neck of the dead head

Chapter 1992 cut off the neck of the dead head

Now Xia Zishang and the others' top priority is not to deal with the City Lord's Mansion.

Their first task is not to expose their whereabouts, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the people in the temple!
"In the final analysis, this matter is all because of me. If that's the case, then let me solve it myself." The triangular eyes of the dead man showed shrewdness, and at this moment he said with joy, "Old Tie Xia, To tell you the truth, I have a brilliant idea."

Both Xia Zishang and Yunluo became interested, and they all looked at the dead head curiously.

The dead man's head hooked his lips into a smile, hooked his fingers towards the two, then leaned into their ears, and said something to them.

After half an hour.

In the city lord's mansion, a group of guards in soft armor set out aggressively from the mansion, breaking through the crowd along the way, and arrived at the inn where the four of Xia Zishang stayed at the fastest speed.

Of course there was Gao Yunshan in the team, he didn't care that he was still entangled like a mummy, at this time he got off the horse with the support of the guards and stood still at the inn.

Here, the owner of the inn led the waiter out together. They rubbed their hands uncomfortably, looking at Gao Yunshan's tightly wrapped head, a little unsure of his identity.


After listening to the voice, I finally confirmed that the person in front of me who was wrapped in rice dumplings was really Gao Yunshan. The waiter and the innkeeper both had flattering smiles on their faces, "Of course! Don't worry, Mr. Gao, you can go in and check now. That ugly monster is not only With only one little girl and two beautiful women, getting up early in the morning to cook soup for them, what a blessing!"

"Hmph, he's thoughtful!" Gao Yunshan sneered, and then gestured to the guards behind him, "Everyone come with me, let's go together!"

After saying this, a group of people rushed into the inn.

According to what the waiter said, Gao Yunshan first came to Xia Zishang and Yunluo's room, and then kicked open their door with two loud bangs, "Come out for me!"

However, there was no one in the room, and Gao Yunshan was completely empty.

Gao Yunshan glanced displeasedly at the innkeeper beside him.

"They must all be in that man's room. Those two women are the concubines of that ugly man. Now they are sure, sure..." The innkeeper said at the end, a little embarrassed, and just blinked at Gao Yunshan, A look of distaste, the expression you know.

Gao Yunshan got goosebumps all over his body from the nausea, then he stepped forward quickly and kicked open the door of the room where the dead head was.

This time, it didn't fail.

The room was dark, and the dead head was sitting alone at the table with his back to them.

Recognizing the dead man's head at a glance, Gao Yunshan was furious from the heart, and after pulling out his long sword, he swept it out fiercely!
"Knowing that my son is coming, you dare not dodge, you are so brave!" After the words fell, the long sword swished, and it cut off the neck of the dead man's head!

The dead head's head flew out, outlining a brilliant parabola in the air, and then fell to the ground with a snap.

As for the dead head's body, it lost its support, and fell heavily from the chair, onto the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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