God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1993 Do you want me to forgive you?

Chapter 1993 Do you want me to forgive you?

With a bang, the heavy body of the dead head fell down, leaving a small hole visible to the naked eye on the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Hey, how heavy is this person's body? He can leave a hole in the ground in one fell swoop. This is simply not a human, but a monster, right?
"Huh?" In the dim room, the waiter looked at the smooth cut wound on the neck of the dead man, and asked in puzzlement, "It's strange, this man's neck was chopped off, why didn't even a drop of blood flow out? ?”

The shop waiter's question also attracted the attention of other people present.

Everyone looked at the body of the dead head at the same time.

I saw a faint metallic luster coming from the broken part of the dead man's head and neck.

Before anyone had time to study it carefully, they suddenly heard a burst of crying.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Like a rough man, he squeezed his throat and let out a soft and artificial cry.

This voice sounds very strange at first glance, even a little deliberate.

But when everyone found that the voice was coming from the mouth of the dead man, there was no time to care whether it was intentional or not. Everyone seemed to have seen a ghost, and they opened their throats and screamed like a pig. .

At this moment, the door behind them was also suddenly closed.

"What is this for?!" Gao Yunshan saw the head of the dead man shaking slightly on the ground, his scalp was numb with fright, his hair stood on end, he hurried to the door, raised his hand and began to knock on the door, "Everyone outside Dead? Open the door, open the door!"

"Open the door?" The dead head suddenly uttered these words, and then it deliberately opened its throat, let out a sharp and sinister smile, and screamed, "Hee hee hee, I'm here, you guys Don't try to open the door, you all have to stay with me!"

While the dead head was talking, a little light shone from its chubby head, and immediately after that, the head floated up from the spot.

"Ahhhhhh--!" Only the shop owner, Xiaoer and Gao Yunshan were left in the room. The three of them saw such a strange scene at this moment, they all opened their throats, crying and screaming endlessly.

The three big men were so frightened that they hugged each other into a ball, clutching each other's arms tightly, unwilling to let go, everyone felt a warmth from their crotch, and warm water flowed out. The strong and pungent smell of urine hits the face, and the smell of urine for three people is mixed together, and it is hard to tell who is whose.

There was a playful look in the dead man's eyes, and he roared with a gloomy face on purpose, "Who cut off my head just now?!"

The three big men trembled and cried louder.


"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish Liyuan is better.

Gao Yunshan was so frightened that he wobbled all over. Seeing the dead head staring at him with such sinister eyes, his legs and feet trembled in fright, and he knelt down to the dead head, "I, I, I, I was wrong No, I dare not, my lord, spare me, let me go!"

No matter how arrogant a person is usually, when they see something beyond common sense, they will subconsciously fear.

Just like Gao Yunshan now, he was so frightened that he almost lost his courage.

"Do you want me to forgive you?" Dead Head was addicted to playing, and asked intentionally.

(End of this chapter)

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