God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1994 Wouldn't it be enough to promise earlier?I want to be cheap

Chapter 1994 Wouldn't it be enough to promise earlier?I want to be cheap
Gao Yunshan was so frightened that he couldn't speak, so he just nodded, frantically, as if he wanted to throw his head out.

"Then slap yourself. If you are happy with the slap, I will let you go." The dead man's head floated leisurely in front of Gao Yunshan, and he ordered calmly.

Gao Yunshan thought there was something wrong with his ears, "What did you say?"

The dead head immediately glared.

Gao Yunshan was so frightened that he raised his hand to point at his face and slapped him unceremoniously!

With a crisp slap, Gao Yunshan slapped him completely. With this slap, his face was almost distorted by himself, his brain was buzzing, and Lao Gao's already swollen face, Suddenly it swelled even higher.

"Continue!" Dead Head ordered again.

This time, Gao Yunshan was even more unceremonious, he slapped his face heavily, and then he knocked himself down to the ground, rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Huh? Why are you so unbeaten?" The dead head was very dissatisfied, and after looking at Gao Yunshan who was lying on the ground with disgust, he winked at the remaining two, "He can't beat himself, you come here Hit him."

"Ah?" The shop owner and the shop waiter looked at Gao Yunshan, feeling a little apprehensive.

"Don't want to? It's okay, then let me teach you a lesson!" The dead head turned into an afterimage, and went straight to the shop owner and waiter.

Both of them were frightened out of their wits, and agreed in a burst of howling, "We fight, we fight!"

"Isn't it enough to promise earlier? I want to be a bitch." The dead head confidently shook off the few sparse hairs on his head, and glanced at the two of them, "Let's start."

The shop owner and shop waiter looked at Gao Yunshan and gritted their teeth.

Then, the two of them let out a roar in unison, and the critical blows, which were like a violent storm, fell like raindrops crazily, hitting Gao Yunshan non-stop.

Gao Yunshan, who was in a coma, couldn't bear such torture, he let out a groan, opened his eyes, and saw these two servants beating him.

Gao Yunshan was dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that these two people had such courage, "You don't want to live anymore?! How dare you hit me?!"

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yunshan pointed at the two of them and cursed angrily.

The dead man's head was still staring at each other, the shop owner and the shop waiter looked at each other, and they both peeked out a trace of viciousness from each other's eyes.

They didn't dare to provoke Gao Yunshan, but no matter how terrifying Gao Yunshan was, how could it be more terrifying than this monster in front of them?
Surely there isn't!
Therefore, the two of them let go of their hanging hearts, and then revealed a vicious look on their faces. At the same time, they punched Gao Yunshan's face, pressing the man to the ground, which was a severe beating.

The fists, slaps, and kicks were all ruthless, as if he wanted to beat Gao Yunshan to death!
Gao Yunshan was already scarred and bruised, how could he stand up to such a toss, he soon lost the strength to beg for mercy, and was beaten by two people who didn't even recognize his own mother. Howling on the ground.

While the dogs were biting the dogs, the dead man's lips curled into a smirk, and then he sneaked out of the room through the half-open window.

All the way to the direction of the back door, the dead head found that Xia Zishang and the three were waiting for him in the alley not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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