God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1996 Guaranteed to be so scared that people can't sleep for 3 days and 3 nights

Chapter 1996 Guaranteed to be so scared that people can't sleep for three days and three nights

Pulling the arm of the dead man's head, Qingcheng wanted to drag the man out from behind the wall.

But the dead head was unwilling to live and die, so he gritted his teeth and confronted her, and he refused to see anyone.

In the end, the dead man's head froze Xia Zishang's patience. Under the threat of her eyes, he had no choice but to bite the bullet, and was dragged by Qingcheng by the arm, and walked out.

The dead man's head looked like a dead mother's face, and he stood on the spot crying without tears, and complained, "I can tell you in advance, I was forced by the situation, and there was no other way to become like this! This is a It's a very serious matter, it doesn't matter what you say, in short you can't laugh..."

"Hahahahaha, I'm dying of laughter!" Before the dead head could finish saying 'you can't laugh at me', Yunluo squatted on the ground, laughing until her stomach hurts, and her eyes were full of tears.

The dead man looked resentful, and looked at Yunluo dumbfounded, "Sister Yunluo, if you do this again, I will get angry!"

It's a pity, no matter how angry the dead head is, it's useless, not to mention Yunluo can't hold back the laughter, even Xia Zishang can't help but look funny from the corner of the eye, how could he not hold back the laughter? .

The dead head abandoned the body he had used for a long time just now, but fortunately, there are many similar bodies. As long as Xia Zishang uses another trick on the dead head, it can be faked.

Just now, Xia Zishang took out a new body for the dead head from the space storage device, but this body was a woman's body.

After the dead head was forced to change into the body of a woman with an almost monstrous figure, he was also forced to put on a fiery red skirt. At first glance, the devil's figure was too hot and too hot. tempting.

However, no matter how good this body is, it is not suitable for a dead head. It has an extremely ugly face, and even the fluttering wig and the veil on its face cannot hide its ugliness. It is as beautiful as a fairy, but when you look at its face, you are guaranteed to be so scared that you can't sleep for three days and three nights.

Xia Zishang couldn't help laughing out loud, but on his face he taught the dead head seriously, "Who are you blaming? If you didn't go to Persian Square and cause so many troubles, we wouldn't be running around here and there. Do you want to change your identity again?"

Hearing Xia Zishang's reprimand, the dead head let out a desperate wail, and had to accept his fate.

"Mother, why doesn't Aunt Yunluo change her clothes?" There was no one else here, so Qingcheng still called her Mother Xia Zishang.

"Yunluo, explain to them yourself." Xia Zishang said.

Yunluo nodded, then cleared her throat, and said, "Next, I will act separately from you, and I will find an excuse to investigate in the temple."

"What?" The dead man was startled, and asked, "When was this decided? How come I don't know at all?"

Yunluo hurriedly explained in detail what she and Xia Zishang investigated together yesterday.

There are naturally people from the temple in the capital, and the temple seems to have consumed a lot of power since it lost to Yanbei.

In the recent period of the temple, in addition to frantically poaching the walls and looking for strong people to join them in order to add fresh blood, the temple is also constantly looking for young girls to join them, and the temple is also trying to cultivate them into The slogan of the saintess candidates, as long as the girls who are willing to enter the temple can sign up on their own, after the temple accepts them, they will not only nurture them, but even give these girls a sum of money to their families, which can be regarded as parent-child Compensation for separation.

(End of this chapter)

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