God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 1997 The temple only accepts girls aged 5 to 8

Chapter 1997 The temple only accepts 15-year-old girls
"What does this compensation mean? Isn't it just entering the temple to practice, as for compensation?" The dead head couldn't figure out what the operation of the temple was, wasn't it full of food?
"Because, the temple proposes that once the girl is sent to the temple, the girl will become a member of the temple forever, and she will not be able to leave the temple for half a step until she ascends to a fairy in the future, and the temple will give it to the girls again. The family members are compensated for their efforts for the temple." Xia Zishang added indifferently, "Because the temple only accepts girls under the age of 15, this matter can only be handled by Yunluo."

After hearing this, Yunluo lowered her head in embarrassment.

In fact, Madam is saving face for her, because apart from the age, there is another extremely important point, that is, the girls who go to the temple must all be young girls with yellow flowers, which is the so-called innocence.

Before entering the temple, every girl must go through a physical examination, which is quite strict.

"Mother, why are there so many girls in the temple? Are they really going to take those people to practice and then turn them into gods in the sky?" Qingcheng listened with a ignorant face, raised her head and asked naively road.

She clearly remembered that her mother told her that it was very difficult to cultivate into a god in the sky.

"Mother doesn't know why they want so many young girls, but it is not so easy to cultivate to become a fairy, they must be lying." Xia Zishang said firmly.

Cultivate to become a fairy, and ascend into the sky.These short four words are a height that many people can't reach in their entire lives.

But the temple said it was so calm, how could it be so simple in reality?If it were that simple, wouldn't it be enough for everyone to think about how to cultivate and how to become a fairy every day without having to worry about life?
"My wife and I suspected that the temple had other plans, so yesterday, we spent some money on the black market and snatched up a place for registration. As long as I can pass the inspection smoothly, then I can enter the temple. I sneaked into it and investigated." Yunluo's expression was slightly condensed, and she said in a cautious tone, "People in the Western Regions worship the temple far beyond our imagination, so I must go and find out."

Regarding the demon corpse before, Yunluo always felt that she was of no help.

This time, she finally had an opportunity. Of course, she had to seize the opportunity and try to find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible.

"Take the communication stone I gave you, and find opportunities to contact me every day. The most important thing is to ensure your own safety and not take risks." Xia Zishang warned worriedly.

"Yes, Madam, don't worry, the slaves have remembered everything." Yunluo said with a smile.

"Come on, auntie, I will cheer you up." Qingcheng said, kissing Yunluo's face, expressing her love for Auntie Yunluo.

Yunluo couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear in joy, and nodded repeatedly in agreement.

Here, Xia Zishang couldn't show up in person, so he asked the dead man to report with Yunluo Temple.

The dead head really didn't want to walk on the street with this appearance, but it was always reluctant to sign up for the beautiful Yunluo sister, and finally agreed with great confusion.
The dead man took Yun Luo out of the door, then went straight to the main road, and went to the place where the physical examination was done in front of the temple to sign up.

At the same time, the wife of the city lord, Mrs. Gao, who had not heard from her younger brother, finally couldn't hold back and went to the inn where Xia Zishang and others were staying at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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