God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2000 Psychic Dog

Chapter 2000 Psychic Dog
Seeing this scene, the wife of the city lord was so excited that she almost cried with joy, holding back her tears, she took a step forward and said excitedly, "Shan'er..."

Who knew, before the lady of the city lord could finish her words, she was startled by the astonishing scene in the house.

I saw Gao Yunshan's hands and feet were broken by someone. At this time, he rolled his eyes, foamed, lying on the ground twitching, his face was bloody and black, and his head was swollen to twice the usual size. It was extremely embarrassing.

But the shop owner and the shop waiter didn't know the danger, and continued to punch and kick Gao Yunshan who didn't know his life or death.

Seeing her most precious younger brother being rubbed on the ground with his head pressed, Gao's body trembled, and then he immediately opened his throat and let out a scream like killing a pig, "Come on, take them down! Beat them to death with sticks!"

The shop owner and the shop errand were having a good time fighting, but who knew they would be caught the next moment, and then they were dragged down without any explanation, and were beaten to death by the guards indiscriminately!

"Shan'er, my dear brother, how are you doing?!" Gao rushed into the room anxiously, quickly hugged Gao Yunshan, and began to ask for warmth, "Master Tianwu, please come and see my brother." !"

Master Tianwu came in, carefully inspected the current situation of Gao Yunshan, and couldn't help being frightened, "Madam, the situation of the castellan is very bad, and his life is in danger. Now only the pill on my body can hang him Xing's life, but this pill is priceless, you see..."

"Use it! I'm willing to pay no matter how much it is!" Gao Shi jumped into the pit dug by Master Tianwu without hesitation.

Master Tianwu hypocritically lamented Gao's emphasis on love and righteousness, and then hurriedly administered the elixir to Gao Yunshan.

It was just a rare healing pill, and it was a life-saving medicine for Gao Yunshan who was dying at this time.

After Gao Yunshan swallowed the elixir, he looked much better than before, but his complexion was ugly, and his facial features were almost unrecognizable due to swelling.

"Boss, elder sister, it's still, the same group of people before, they, they hurt me..." After finishing speaking, Gao Yunshan rolled his eyes and passed out.

Gao's scalp was numb from fright, but fortunately Master Tian Wu comforted her in time, "Madam, don't worry, Mr. Gao is fine, he just passed out."

Gao was relieved when he heard the words, and then he began to cry and wipe away his tears, "Poor my little brother, he was hurt so badly by those thieves!"

Master Tianwu looked like a very curious cat, and asked after investigating, "Madam Gao, what's going on?"

"What else could be going on..." Gao told the whole story to Master Tianwu weeping, and then continued to cry with sobs, "Master Tianwu, those people must have run away now, Master You must help me find those people! Now, my only hope is you, Master!"

"Don't worry, ma'am!" Master Tianwu raised his hand and patted his chest, "I happen to have a psychic dog at my place. It is a natural catcher and has an extremely sensitive sense of smell. If I think about it, I can take it with me tonight." Together with Madam, bring those people back!"

"Thank you, Master Tian Wu." Gao Shi smiled happily, and asked expectantly, "Master Tian Wu, please take me to see that god dog."

Master Tianwu readily agreed, and took Gao to his house to see the dog.

(End of this chapter)

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