God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2001 Don't These People Have Brains?

Chapter 2001 Don't These People Have Brains?
Here, the dead head led Yunluo to the registration point outside the temple.

Looking around, there was a long queue in front of the registration point. The people in the capital, almost every household led a young and innocent girl from each family, patiently queuing up under the scorching sun, waiting to register.

"Hey, don't these people have brains? Why do they all look like they can't wait to come and reincarnate?" The dead man asked from the bottom of his heart.

"If the temple can spare any money, it will leave 100 taels of silver to the family members of every girl who enters the temple. And this money is a huge sum of money for many families. And only relying on a little girl Of course, these people can't wait to be able to sell for such money. Besides, didn't I also say that the temple is extremely prestigious in the Western Regions? I mentioned that their family has a daughter in the temple, so they are also honorable. Therefore, the black market is selling places for registration to enter the temple. Yesterday, my wife and I managed to grab a place. "Yunluo lowered her voice and explained.

"I think this group of people are all lunatics. They didn't even think about it. How can there be such a good thing as the world's pie, and it just happened to fall on their heads?" normal.

Why doesn't Yunluo think so, but there are people around, the two of them can't speak too loudly, and soon fell silent.

The two waited for an hour before it was finally their turn.

When it was their turn, Yunluo was also taken to a small room, and was checked for innocence by an experienced nun.

Yunluo gave birth to a beautiful baby face, and her whole body was full of vitality. After the inspection, she was innocent again. The temple was very satisfied with this, so she quickly accepted Yunluo and returned the dead man's head A full 100 taels of silver.

The dead man looked at Yunluo when she was brought into the door by the nuns, and after turning his head to glance at it, he felt reluctant in his heart, insisting on wishing he could get a pair of wings and fly away with Yunluo!

But the dead head can't, it can only endure, and endure it so as not to let itself catch up.

Seeing Yunluo being brought into the temple, Dead Head finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Taking a step forward subconsciously, the dead head was immediately stopped by people from the temple.

"This believer, what are you doing?" The people in the temple were all wearing holy white robes. At this time, a person came to the dead head with a smile on his face, blocking the way it planned to move forward.

Even though the movement of the dead man's head was somewhat offensive, the man in front of him was still as gentle and elegant as a jade, like a clear spring, exuding a heart-warming aura.

The dead head looked at the man coldly.

Everyone in the temple seems to prefer white, not only the man in front of the dead head, but also the other people in the temple are dressed in white, even the towering and huge temple behind them is also snow-white. Yes, like a bright pearl dotted in the capital, bright and dazzling.

It looks holy, but in fact it doesn't know how much filth it hides.

The dead head reacted very quickly. It realized that it was a woman, so it pinched its throat and said, "It was my sister who went in just now. When she left, I forgot to tell her not to be rude, so I just want to I'm going to tell you, otherwise, what if that girl loses her face to our Lao Yun family?"

The voice of the dead man's head was dry and astringent, like a curse, constantly reverberating in the air, no matter how it sounds, it penetrates people.

Hearing the words, the man couldn't help but cast a suspicious look at the dead man's head.

(End of this chapter)

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