God's hexagram favorite concubine

Chapter 2012 Staying by my side is also a scourge

Chapter 2012 Staying by my side is also a scourge

"Ah!" Gao wailed in despair, as if he was about to be tortured to death.

The hidden guards stepped forward in a hurry, and directly pulled the shit off Gao Shi's face with their hands. Who knew, they were so flustered that they evenly spread the shit on Gao Shi's face evenly.

Gao screamed in pain, and the guards were at a loss.

Tianbao curled up his dog's mouth viciously and wretchedly, then barked again, and rushed towards the hidden guards, frantically trying to bite their bodies.

No one is a fool these days, how could the hidden guards just stand there and be abused?They stood up in a hurry, and then jumped out from where they were like dogs that lost their homes.

Gao Shi didn't care about her face covered in shit, like a frightened bird, she jumped up regardless, and then hurriedly escaped from the room crazily under Tianbao's pursuit.

For the delicious rainbow demon fruit, Tian Bao didn't care about Sanqi 21, and chased after him with his hooves off.

"The sense of smell of monsters is indeed keen, but most of them are stupid. These people have no skills, and they still want to control monsters? It's simply wishful thinking." Xiao Yinzi smiled and said gloatingly.

Putting the rainbow demon fruit in his hand into Xiao Yinzi's mouth, Xia Zishang immediately gave it all the rest, yawned and said calmly, "Go and chase that dog, as long as it works If it’s done beautifully, give it the promised fruit.”

"Yes!" Xiao Yinzi hurriedly ate a delicious fruit, and after eating it with satisfaction, he picked up the rest of the fruit and went to chase after Tianbao and his party.

But Little Yinzi just walked away, and the dead man stepped over the threshold and entered the room.

A brilliant smile appeared on the dead man's face, and he said proudly, "Old Tie Xia, I've already taken care of the shop owner."

Xia Zishang nodded, "Okay, let's go, let's go to another room and continue sleeping."

"Come on, listen to you." The dead head didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, then walked around the filthy floor, and got to the bed. After taking Qingcheng from Xia Zishang, the two changed rooms respectively. , Xia Zishang led Qingcheng to continue to sleep, and the dead head also entered his room to rest.

After a night without dreams, Xiao Yinzi came back early in the morning the next day, happily describing what happened last night to Xia Zishang.

Last night, after Gao Shi and those hidden guards ran out, they were chased away by Tianbao all night, especially Gao Shi was still half-naked, and he ran on the street all night, and encountered two dozen people on the way. more people.

This time it became even more lively, the news spread quickly, and everyone knew that Gao, as the majestic wife of the city lord, was running wildly on the street with five or six hidden guards in her house in disheveled clothes in the middle of the night!
As soon as the news spread, everyone was amazed.

What is being rich and self-willed?It was Gao Shi who was talking about, it was really exciting to play in the middle of the night.

Poor Mrs. Gao was bitten on the face by Tian Bao, almost disfigured, but it was Xiao Yinzi who was afraid of causing trouble, and used the rainbow demon fruit to lure Tian Bao away, and the farce finally came to an end.

"As for that stupid dog, it still wants to come back with me after eating the fruit." Little Yinzi lazily lay in Xia Zishang's arms begging to be petted, and said with a smile on his face, "It's just that I Did not agree to it, found an excuse to drive it away."

Tianbao is a brainless monster who killed its master before. Even if such a monster has the ability to reach the sky, it would be a disaster to keep it by its side.

Xia Zishang felt that Xiao Yinzi handled the matter very well, and after a few words of praise, he felt a burst of warmth from the communication stone hidden in his sleeve.

(End of this chapter)

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